
Monday, December 22, 2008


I know we have not been very good at keeping the blog up to date. We are very busy growing here in Ankeny!! At Finn's two week check up he had grown 2.5 inches and weighed in at 9 pounds. He is doing great!! We are amazed at how much he changes each day. He has started growling and his lungs are getting stronger...we think he has realized that he can make himself louder and we respond a lot quicker!!! He also found his thumb for the first time yesterday...not that we want him to suck his thumb but it was pretty cute!!! He is sleeping pretty good and eats well!! Sometimes that is all we do it seems!! Everyone in the household is doing great and we can't wait for our first Christmas with our beautiful little boy!!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Welcome to the world, Finn!
Dad helping Finnean through his second set of tests.

no caption necessary :)

Finnean's best post-bath baby model pose.

Relaxing with mom in the hospital.

Mom and Finn on Thursday, getting ready to go home!

Mom checking up on Finnean in the hospital.

Look at that hair!

Just a little small to fit into his going home outfit.

Jerry helping mom with Finn.

Tuesday!!! Welcome Finnean Michael Wagler!

Well Cozmo did not want to wait until Wednesday and decided that Tuesday would work better for his schedule! Finnean Michael Wagler was born at 12:25pm on December 2, 2008. He weighed in at 8lbs 1oz and is 19.5 inches long.

We started feeling contractions at 2:50am and managed coping with them at home until 5:00am. We arrived at the hospital at 6am, my biggest worry was that we were going to get there and they were going to say “o this is just false labor” and send us home. THANKFULLY that was not the case and we were admitted and already dilated to four. The labor itself was relatively smooth, as labors go…before we knew it we were dilated to “9 plus” by 11:30 and were told to push at 11:55. At 12:25pm Finnean made his grand entrance!

After his first round of tests, passed with flying colors, we had our first hours as a family before we went to our next tests in the nursery. Grandmas and Grandpas were the first to arrive to see our new baby boy!

Our hospital stay went very well and allowed us sometime to become acclimated to being parents…although having that nurse call button and a whole team of caregivers assisting us doesn’t exactly give an accurate experience of reality, but still greatly appreciated during the recovery time.

We were able to leave the hospital at 2:00pm Thursday afternoon. It was 26degrees and spitting snow for Finn’s first adventure outside. He fell asleep the minute he got into the car seat and slept all the way home. Now on Friday, we have lived through our first (I am sure of many) sleepless nights shushing, feeding, changing diapers, swaying our way through the house and sneaking in a few minutes of sleep here and there. Our one true wild card was how “big brother” Jerry would take to the new addition to his kingdom. But no worries at all, Travis and Tom brought Jerry down last night and since, Jerry has become Mom and Dad's little helper during feedings, snuggles and even during crying spells. Jerry is going to make a perfect, four-legged, bearded, furry big brother.

We are so excited to be home and so grateful that everything has gone so smoothly to this point. Michael and I have again realized that we make a very good team, which makes all of this so much fun!

Top Three Questions (and our responses) during the last few days…
3. Finnean, is that a family name? – No, we came across the name during our search and love it! But, Michael happens to be Dad’s name as well as Grandpa Wagler’s and Grandpa Reyes’ middle names.
2. Were you surprised he was a boy? Of course we were surprised! Although Courtney had felt for a while that Cozmo was a boy.
1. Finnean…how do you spell that? F-I-N-N-E-A-N…Finnean.

Stay tuned for more as Finnean, Mom, Dad and Jerry continue our adventures throughout the year!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Well...Cozmo has been getting his/her fair share of attention this weekend. On Friday night and Saturday morning-Cozmo was not moving around at all like it's normal little we called the doctor and they had us come in. They hooked us up and everything checked out, did another ultrasound and then other test and all came back great! 7 hours later we came home. Cozmo passed all the tests with flying colors...but they wanted to just check us out first this this morning. So more tests and another ultrasound and everything looks great...and the best news we are going to parents...THIS WEEK!!!

Since everything looks healthy and baby is doing great-they will induce me on Wednesday morning at 6 am. is really going to happen!!! We are very excited and we are hoping to get some rest tonight and tomorrow night!!! We are hoping that Cozmo just decided that she/he wants to come on it's own but we can wait until Wednesday. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers early Wednesday morning.

We will keep you posted!!!