
Monday, September 10, 2012

Sweet memories...

Hutchinson started walking this weekend!! He just took off!!  He has been taking one-two steps for a while but this weekend he would go from couch to chair or just walk to something he wanted.  It is so cute how he toddles around and you can just see how much concentration it takes.  I LOVE this stage.  I LOVE how sweet he looks and how proud he is when he is walking.  He knows that we are watching and it is pretty sweet when Finnean yells, "LOOK!! He is walking!!"  Then he will say "Good job walking, Hutchy!"  Ohhh, I love when he calls him Hutchy. 

Today, Finnean went to preschool like a pro.  Like it was old news.  He is doing great and really enjoying it!!  He doesn't know any of his "friends" names yet but he does seem like he is playing with them!  On Friday he walked into his room and the teacher moved his little name tag.  As you could imagine that threw our little creature of habit off a bit.  He even told his teacher that he didn't want to move seats anymore!!  Sweet guy.  He was totally fine today when he had to sit in a different seat.  It will be good for him to get used to mixing things up a bit!!  Now for the sweetest.thing.ever.  I told him to have a good day and I loved him when I dropped him off at school.  He waved and said bye...then I heard him run to the door and he poked his head out and said "I love you too, Mommy!!"  Talk about making my day!!  Sweet little guy.  When I picked him up and I asked him how is day was and he told me a few things and then asked me how my run went.  I love that he is curious about me too!  It has been such a joy to watch him turn into a little boy.  We definitely have struggles but mostly good days here at the Wagler house.  Pictures to come soon.  I need to catch you up on our recent vacations but I had to "write down" these sweet memories of our little guys!