
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Playing Catch up...

Please check out all the new pictures that I have added and here is a little update on what Finnean has been up too! Our fall has been wonderful, we are soaking up the beautiful weather, enjoying the library and going on adventures! Finnean continues to crack us up and is working on saying bigger words. He loves sports and is enjoying all the pumpkins that are around. He is a huge fan of chicken nuggets, which he calls "thicken nuggas." He wants them for breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner. I swear I only give them to him like once a week!!! His newest phrase is "Check it ouuuuttt!!" He digs being a giraffe for Halloween. He loves to talk on the phone. He drinks milk out of a big boy cup like a champ. He has the cheesiest smile but it is absolutely adorable. He loves goats. Reads all the time. He can "read" you books by looking at what is going on in the pictures. He knows some shapes, the diamond is his favorite. Up until yesterday he counted by saying...."two, nine, two, nine..." Now it is "one, two, nine." He is working on his ABCs but really only says TUV when he is singing the song. He can do the itsy bitsy is pretty cute. He is just a little sponge and soaks up everything...enjoy the pictures!!

Pumpkin Patch with Daddy!

He looks like he is on a mission for the perfect pumpkin!!

"What about this one Dad??"

No...this one is perfect!

I love this one. So simple.

Bumping up and down in the little yellow wagon!

All the bumpy pumpkins were together for some reason...?

I bet that next year we will be able to see his whole face!!!

Love it!!

Happy Fall!!!
This picture is awesome. I love that big old grin!

The Giraffe is back...

My sweet little boy...

Getting ready to go to Night Eyes.

I think this one is just perfect...little tiny giraffe with all the pumpkins he has collected over the fall!

Trick or Treat!!
Finnean started his trick or treating early this year with a stop at Abby and Cory's. Please notice Finnean sorting his the end of it he had all of his Smarties lined up like a train! Thanks Abby and Cory!
(pictures of his sweet shirt that he got trick or treating to come soon!)
Night Eyes at the Blank Park Zoo was not quite what we expected but we had a good time because we were all together! Finnean and Daddy loved the Dum-Dums we got along the way. Finnean did NOT want to give up the sucker but we were afraid it was going to fall off the stick...didn't play that one all the way through before giving him the sucker!!

The best part about Night Eyes...the last stop was free ice cream sandwiches!! The little giraffe even got some! Stay tuned for more giraffe pictures to come when it is actually Halloween!

First Sleep Over!!

We had Grady stay the night with us because he was getting a little brother!! Our dear friends, Stephanie and Ben had Jace Alexander on 10.19.10. We even got to see little Jace when he was just a few hours old. He is so, so sweet.
***** "Winding down" before bedtime.
Looks like some serious breakfast conversation. Thanks Grady for showing Finnean how to eat cereal with milk!!

Bloomfield Adventures!

Michael had to work in Bloomfield a couple weeks ago and with my new work schedule Finnean and I got to go too! It was awesome to be there during the week, we got relax and just hang out. Here are a few pictures from our adventure.
***** Finnean, Grandma and I took a scenic drive to the Villages of Van Buren County. The leaves weren't in full color yet but we still had a lot of fun. This is Finnean playing checkers in one of the villages.

Finnean showing Grandma Lisa the way!


Love this one.
Check the trees out...they make a tunnel.

We love FALL!

Taking a break after lunch.

Poppa and Grandma Wagler have the best tree outside their house...perfect colors. perfect for playing.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

One of the mornings Finnean and I went for a walk to the square. We stopped at the Oasis coffee shop to get a hot tea and snack. The cookie was amazing! Yummy peanut butter and it was the size of Finnean's head. The lady working gave the cookie directly to Finnean so he was not too excited about sharing it with me!!

So this is his new shoes to eat!!! If he has his shoes on while he is eating they are sure to come matter where we are at!!


Fun with Mom!

On October 11th Finnean helped my co-workers and me celebrate the upcoming arrival of my friend Stephanie's (Grady's mom) baby boy! This is Finnean enjoying the cupcakes!! I am pretty sure that is all he ate for lunch this day.

After nap we played with awesome shadow puppets! He loved them and thought it was so neat. He really loved acting like a robot!

Giving the dinosaur a kiss.

Laughing it up at the silly puppets!

I hope you can see our reflection in the piggy bank. He thought it was so neat that he could see us in the piggy bank!

Dad and Finnean

Finnean and Daddy went to the zoo on October 10th while I worked. They had a great time and the biggest hit was the tiger walking around!

This is Finnean trying to stand on one leg like the flamingos. Michael said that after this trick Finnean says out of no where..."Wallaby!" They forgot to walk through the wallaby part and Finnean remembered them from the last time we visited the zoo. So of course Finnean had to show Daddy where the wallabys live!

They capped the day off with a nap and some football. A pretty good Sunday if you ask me.

Center Grove Apple Orchard

We went to the Apple Orchard a couple weeks ago and it had everything...animals, pumpkins, sweets, a corn pool and a bounce pillow. All of that was pretty neat but Finnean loved the goats and we spent the majority of our time "talking" to them!

Silly boy with a big belly. He was laughing at the goats!


YUCK!! A goat kiss?
We obviously did not encourage this behavior but Michael happened to catch Finnean showing some love to the goats...I told you he loved them!

Love this one. He was knee deep in corn! He loved it and kept saying "corn on the cob!!"

All smiles from the happy boy!

A day on the farm.

You could pick your own pumpkins from the patch or they had some already picked. We just checked them out and Finnean decided to make sure that all of them were right side up. This is definitely a Michael trait. He likes things in order! Earlier in the day we went to lunch and Finnean had a hamburger, he got ketchup on his hands and he freaked out and had to wipe them off, picked up his hamburger for other bite and got them ketchup-y again and had to wipe them again...that is definitely a Courtney trait. I hate having my hands messy!

Seriously...I am not sure that it gets much cuter than this.

Hi Mom!

What a smile!

He has the best laugh. It is so contagious. He just splashed water all over himself.

The Wranglers are his "I can get dirty and my Mommy won't care jeans."