
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More Pictures!

These pictures were on my camera and I always forget to dump those onto the computer-so these are from December. Look at that LONG hair! He looks like a little hippie child.


Silly Boy-this was from Christmas shopping. It is a little blurry but I LOVE that face.

Look at that WILD hair! Ohhh...I miss his long locks!
Reading with Momma.
I was looking Finnean's book of pictures and he came up and put his little arm on my shoulder and started pointing to all the people in it.


Finnean's new favorite thing is to "talk" on Momma's phone. I know, I know-he shouldn't play with it-but it is so cute and completely cracks me up!

First Science Center Trip!

We headed to the Science Center on Sunday (1.24.10). Finnean LOVED exploring everything and touching each and everything he could get his hands on. I love the floating ball the most but really enjoyed running around in Toddler Town. He was such a good boy and looked so big-just walking around picking out what HE wanted to do next. It was a day filled with laughter.
So sleepy---getting ready to go home. I picked him up and he just laid his little head on my shoulder. It just melts my heart!

Momma and Dad still have some energy-but Finnean looks beat!

Dad and Finnean trusting the arch that we made. It was harder to put together than it probably should have been!

Local weathermen---Finnean and Michael Wagler!!!

Let me touch it!!!

After a while Finnean got brave enough to stick his hands and face over the blowing air!

Clap! Clap! Clap! He was so excited about the ball!

Lounging in Toddler Town.

He wanted so badly to run down this slope-but didn't have quite enough balance. That didn't stop him from trying though-he gave it his best head dive!

Peeking Dad! Notice the golf ball in his hand. One of the exhibits uses golf balls-Finnean thought he needed to carrying it all around the room!

This picture is for Lori (Bish Boys Blog-on my favorites). Her family has REAL little lambs and she is always keeping me posted on the happenings. These were pretty cute but we can't wait to come see your lambs in the spring Bish's!!

Family Shot.

Helping Dad lift the tires. This was right at the beginning and he just walked around in amazement. Everything was there for him to touch and he just explored and explored!

Playing Hard...

What a cheesy smile!!!

After dinner one evening we were cleaning up and apparently left the door open on the fridge-we found Mr. Curious standing on the little step to see what was in there. I wish I could have caught him just a few seconds before-he was looking right in!!!

Helping Momma with his laundry...

Ready to be washed!!

Looks like he is at a petting zoo-with his favorite friend...Jerry, as the zoo animal!

We went to dinner with some friends and then they came over to hang out. We let Finnean stay up and "party" until 7:30 because he was playing hard and having fun. All of a sudden he heads over to his corner, snuggles up on his pillow, covers himself up and grabs a book. We took that has a very big hint that he was ready to go to bed. What a turkey!

Grady sat in this booster seat while he was over earlier in the day. We took it off the big chair and put it on the floor and Finnean LOVED it! He doesn't know how to just sit down in it-so he stands up in the seat backwards, turns around and THEN sits down! It is so cute to watch him maneuver. After awhile he thought he needed the tray-so he grabbed that as well!

More adventures of Grady and Finnean!
The boys looked so big on this play date! They ran around, made noise, "talked" to each other and played in the awesome tunnel Grady and Stephanie brought over! More pictures to come...

Friday, January 15, 2010


Last week I had to go pick Finnean up from daycare early because he had a high temp. I took him in to the doctor and of course he had another ear infection. SERIOUSLY...that is the third one in the past two months. I almost think that it is the same one and it just hasn't gone away. I forgot his other medication at daycare so after the doctor we went to pick it up and I thought I would stop and get gas. WHICH I HATE TO this was a rare occasion. I hop out in the the below zero temperatures and get the gas pump out. I realize that I forgot my credit card so I attempted to get it out of my purse. BUT THE DOOR WAS LOCKED! So I am outside and it like negative 5, the keys AND Finnean are locked in the car. Just great. Thankfully I had my cell phone so I called Michael and he was still at work. He was downtown and had to go home and get the extra 30 minutes later and me freaking out with frozen legs-he got there. Finnean did great and slept most of the time in his warm little car seat. I felt like the worst mom ever and was frozen! It all turned out okay and my legs finally warmed up. I even learned a valuable lesson...Michael can fill up the car from now on :)

New Daycare

Well. We have been making some big decisions at our house. We realized we are paying an insane amount of money for daycare each week so we started to explore our options. Luckily we found a gal that is great and Grady (Finnean's Best Pal) goes there too! I am nervous of course and worried about the timing with the transition. He just is so aware of his surroundings but I know he is resilient-it is just a little scary. So stay tuned...that adventure starts on February 1st.

13 months...

It is so hard to believe another month has past (I am a little late blogging about it) but it has and Finnean is becoming such a big boy. He is walking, walking, walking...he hardly crawls because he is getting so fast! He is really talking and blabbing all the time. He is continues to make us laugh...he will do things to make you laugh or smile really big to get your attention. He still loves to read and loves dance! I know he started doing so many more new things...but I just can't remember them right now! I hope to keep you posted of our new adventures more frequently!

Carter turns FOUR!

Cousin Carter turned 4 on January 9th. We all headed out Pizza Ranch and had a great time. After the party we all went swimming! Finnean wasn't quite sure what to think of all the splashing but he had fun snuggling with Poppa Richard while Dad went down the slides!!

Dad, Finnean and Poppa Richard
We continue to be amazed how much these three look alike!

SO tired after the big party!

He is getting so big! His shirt AND jeans are 12 MONTHS in size. We have been struggling to get him into 12 month clothes because he is so little!!! He is approaching the 20 pound mark!!

Silly boy!!

What a stinker!!!

Vrooom!! Finnean loves to drive his trucks!

He eats meat! Finnean has not been a fan meat since he started eating solids. He wouldn't even eat it all pureed. We gave him a chicken finger and he ate it!! We couldn't believe it!! Hopefully he won't only like chicken nuggets for the rest of his life!


Lounging with Dad.
Doesn't Finnean look so old here? These new pjs make him look SO big! He is really starting to turn into a little boy!!

Finnean LOVES to pick things up. It seems he has incredible strength for such a little man. He amazes us at what he can lift.

Finnean is learning to pull his little dog around. This is one of his favorite toys right now!

Jerry is just a little bit spoiled at our house. He loves lounging on the couch-it looks like Michael interrupted his nap with this picture!