
Friday, January 15, 2010


Last week I had to go pick Finnean up from daycare early because he had a high temp. I took him in to the doctor and of course he had another ear infection. SERIOUSLY...that is the third one in the past two months. I almost think that it is the same one and it just hasn't gone away. I forgot his other medication at daycare so after the doctor we went to pick it up and I thought I would stop and get gas. WHICH I HATE TO this was a rare occasion. I hop out in the the below zero temperatures and get the gas pump out. I realize that I forgot my credit card so I attempted to get it out of my purse. BUT THE DOOR WAS LOCKED! So I am outside and it like negative 5, the keys AND Finnean are locked in the car. Just great. Thankfully I had my cell phone so I called Michael and he was still at work. He was downtown and had to go home and get the extra 30 minutes later and me freaking out with frozen legs-he got there. Finnean did great and slept most of the time in his warm little car seat. I felt like the worst mom ever and was frozen! It all turned out okay and my legs finally warmed up. I even learned a valuable lesson...Michael can fill up the car from now on :)


Nikki said...

I locked Brandon in the car once in our garage..he wasn't sleeping and he wasn't happy. 5 minutes can seem like an eternity when he is strapped in his car seat screaming and I was waiting for my mom to pick up the other set of keys from Nathan at work and bring them!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

hi there...I happened across your blog from Lori Bish's blogroll...just wanted you to know that our babies are almost the same age and we fought the frequent ear infection battle with our Natalee. after asking to be referred to an ENT he suggested but didn't force bilateral tubes to us and we prayed and discussed it and went with it. I was terrified but it has been the best decision we could have made. our girl is a totally different kid and we almost immediately noticed a difference. just though I'd let you know...I've been there and hope you find a solution. good luck!