
Tuesday, July 28, 2009


After a few emails and facebook messages demanding I update the blog, I decided it was time. I am so glad that so many of you check the blog often and enjoy watching him grow. It makes me happy knowing that you can see him and all of the fun we have in our little world here in Ankeny. I posted TONS of pictures so please keep scrolling to learn about July at the Waglers! I added so many posts you need to click to "older posts" to see about our adventures at the DC fair!

Back to Iowa!

We were so tired after the long weekend we just put a pillow in the seat so Finnean could see out the window and had him drive us home!

I don't think I can take enough pictures in this hat!

Hanging out and learning about how to brew beer.

Dad and Finnean at the New Glarus Brewery.
We had to stop at in New Glarus, a cute little Swiss town, that makes great beer (home of the spotted cow-if you have had it, you know why we stopped). We walked around the HUGE brewery and checked it all out. It was a great little side stop on the way home. After New Glarus we headed to Galena, IL. Go if you can, it was so neat. So many shops in old historic buildings, I think we could have stayed for hours...but we had to get going of course. We took the Great River Road home and it was a beautiful, very scenic drive. I wish that we would have taken some pictures! Finnean did such a good job in the car, until about Iowa City and then he was just ready to be home. We were too!!! We made it and had an amazing long weekend. We are thankful that we took Monday off to re-group! What an awesome reason to take a long trip....thanks Joe and Susan, Happy Marriage.

The big event!

The reason we went to Madison was to attend the wedding of Joe and Susan, two people who have a beautiful love story. They are just perfect for each other and the love and happiness just beams off of them. The wedding was held a beautiful garden (big old house, lots of flowers-not sure it could be any better). We enjoyed the wedding and the day was beautiful! After the wedding I took advantage of the backdrop the grounds provide me and snapped some photos of Finnean. I just couldn't I posted tons! We headed to the reception and it was a great time. We have a college friend (thanks Jess!) watch Finnean at our hotel. I went up and put him to bed, he was sound asleep and she just planned to read a book, perfect right? WELL...Finnean decided that he didn't really get to hang out with Jess, so he woke up around 11 and wanted to play. We come in at 12 am and find him bouncing up and down with Jess! He looked like he was having a blast! As many of you know, we are HUGE Seinfeld fans, she said that Finnean found the remote and was flipping the channels and stopped on Seinfeld! How funny, so they just hung out and waited for us to get home and he went back down to sleep after a bottle...thank goodness!! 12 am is late for us oldies!!!

Saturday in Madison

Another fav family photo!

The sweet chairs on the Terrace.

Ice Cream!! Finnean was asleep...or we were going to share with him...he missed out!!

Our hotel from the Terrace.

Our hotel from the front...the water is in the background.

Finnean looking a little frightened about being IN the capital!

Checking out the kinda scary eagle...

On TOP of the capital, not scared at all!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

I think we have said that about 7083 times since he has started clapping...but it is so cute!!

Madison's Capital is BIG!
Dad and Finnean on the steps!

He looks so concerned because he is sitting in the grass...which he does NOT like :)

Checking the city out...

Hanging on the terrace over looking the lake with Momma and Dad...
Cheesy smile :)

Too tired...
We spent Saturday morning on the Capital's square. They have a HUGE farmer's market and just so much to see. It is right off State St. which has tons of places to look. We checked out the capital and took a break on the terrace that over looks one of the beautiful lakes. It was great and the weather was so gorgeous! We finished off our walk (yes---all of this was in walking distance of our hotel) by heading to the Memorial Union of Wisconsin and enjoying yummy ice cream!

We made it to Madtown...

CHEESY! Getting ready for dinner with Greg and Jess. What a fun night out in Madison!

After dinner we headed down to the dock (on the back of our hotel) and watched the sunset. It was so beautiful!

No words are really needed...

Fav family shot of the weekend!

Fav Momma and Finnean photo of the weekend!
We made it to Madison around 3ish and got checked into our hotel. It was rainy, rainy and more we just drove around and went shopping :) Then off to dinner with some college friends that live in Madison! It was great to catch up and then to catch the beautiful sunset! Finnean did pretty good sleeping in his bed, just woke up once and went right back to sleep :) We woke up the next morning to him sitting up in his pack and play looking into our room, like " hey---are we going to go or what?!" That is a new thing he can do....go from being on his tummy to sitting...he is fast too!!

Off to Madison...

Picnic in the Park! This park had lots of little squirrels and birdies to watch!

Finnean and Dad being silly with the statues in another little park!


We headed off to Madison, WI on Friday morning (July 24th). We stopped in Mt. Vernon, IA to take a break and had a picnic in the park. Mt. Vernon is a super cute little town and it happens to be one of Michael's Main Street towns, so it made for a perfect break stop. While we were taking a bathroom break, Finnean and Dad were standing outside of Casey's which was on a very busy road. Finnean watched the semis go all the way by and then would look for the next to come down the road and disappear...after a few Finnean started waving Bye Bye to all the semi's that were going by and HELLO to all of the people stopping at Casey's! Yeah for waving!!!

Outside photo shoot!!!

Family shot!

Bubbles, Bubbles and more BUBBLES!

Rubbing his belly just like his daddy does!!

Rolling over...action shot! My fav from the photo shoot.

Smiley bear...

He has figured out how to take OFF his hat...we are consistently putting it back on :)
We were getting ready to head inside and the sky was just beautiful! So we headed to the back yard and took some photos. All of the above photos were taken on 7.19.09.

Davis County Fair!

First ever tractor experience. This can be "Finnean's tractor story." That is 5 points to all of you who know what episode of Seinfeld that is from:)

Enjoying watching all the fair go-ers!

Grandma and Grandpa Reyes still love Finnean even though he didn't win in the baby contest!! Come on...he is pretty cute! We think it was rigged...

This is a picture of the crazy amount of people that were at the baby was ridiculous!!!

Hanging with Grandma Deb before the baby contest!
Michael, Finnean and I made a trip back to Bloomfield on the 10th of July (yes I know that I have not updated the blog for a long time and you should already have these pics :). We had a great time checking out the fair and hanging out with Gmas and Gpas!! Finnean decided that he did not want to sleep on Friday night and was up until 12 am!! What a crazy man---but it is tough sleeping in someone else's bed!! Then we got up and went to the baby contest (again, it was crazy!) but fun. Finnean stayed with Grandma and Aunt Ellie and Carter while we went golfing at the BCC. It was great to get out and be adults and so fun to struggle at golfing (well only me...Michael did great!) Then we headed back out the the fair for dinner and to play BINGO!!! I won $22.75 I might add...and only spent 2 bucks! It was pretty exciting!! It was great to see family and see some old friends!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Play Date!

Finnean and Grady...we tried so hard to get a picture of both of them looking...that is hard to do!
Now Grady is smiling...but Finnean was so tired after all that sharing that he was about to fall asleep!

Finnean showed Grady how to balance rings on his head and he did great!

Playing and sharing toys is FUN!

*Finnean and Grady*
It is hard to believe that our little boys were this little! This picture was taken on 1.8.09, so almost 6 months ago! My goodness, they grow so fast!
We had Grady and his parents (Stephanie- I work with her and Ben) over for a play date. We have been trying to get together for some time now and it just hasn't worked! They boys had so much fun and did a great job sharing toys, exploring each other (Finnean really wanted to touch Grady's hair-he has a lot more!!!) and just rolling around in a pile of toys! Grady was born on 11.7.08 and Finnean on 12.2.08-so they are just about 3 1/2 weeks apart! It is amazing how different children develop and equally amazing how adorable they both are! It was a lot of fun and we hope to do this more often!!!