
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who am I kidding?

Yesterday, Finnean had story time at his preschool.  He was so excited until he got there and then was a bit overwhelmed.  Sounds about like what you are about to read...
I have been asked about 100 times...

Family/Friend/Random person: Is Finnean going to preschool this year?? 
Me: Yes, in September.  He is really excited.
F/F/RP: Ohhh, how are you doing? It will be so hard.
Me: I am doing okay, he is the first one so I think it will be way harder when the baby goes.

Yeah freaking right.  I almost pulled him out of preschool yesterday AND he hasn't even started.  I called the director to make sure that I had him in the right class (3 day vs. 2 days a week).  She was so kind and explained that 3 days seems like the best fit for him and his skills and that 5 day next year would be a great preparation for kindergarten.  WHAT!? 5 days!!  I ended up crying on the phone TO THE DIRECTOR and said, I think I am just struggling a bit more than I thought I was going to.  She gently laughed and told me it was normal and I am definitely not the first mom to get cold feet about sending their child to preschool.  We hung up and then she probably told his teacher that I am crazy. 

Awesome.  So he hasn't even BEEN to preschool yet and I am crying. 

His first day is September 5th.  I think he is going thrive at preschool and could use the group interaction.  It is for 6 hours and 45 minutes a WEEK.  He is not going to college.  I will be fine. He will be fine.  AND please, please I plead with anyone that sees me, do NOT say: he will be going to college before you know it.  You might get an overflow of tears that you might not be able to handle!  Good grief, wish me luck. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


We took a bus ride around downtown and had to make a stop at the Capitol...isn't it pretty and boy are they cute!?

Doing a little work for Daddy at his office.

Love these big cheeks checking out the city.

We went to the zoo the other day and Finnean got scared, so I got to feed the giraffe!

A little after nap drumming!

Cool cat waiting for the bus!

Love this picture.
It is just sooooo Finnean. 

Sweet boy and his first masterpiece.

Big bro showing him how it is done.
A snuggly night when Dad was working.

Finnean said "hey mom! I wrote Hutchinson's name!"
Sure enough-he did.  Way to go, Finnean!

Love him.

and him.

Date night with the boys while Michael worked (he has had a lot of travel this month!)

Just reading.

LOVE his shadow!

Cool cat.
His eyebrows crack me up.

Hutchinson's first carousal ride...he LOVED it!
Checking out his zebra.

Still waking up.

I told Finnean that we had a treat for dessert and he asked me if it was "tasty goodness?"
Where does he come up with this stuff and yes, it was tasty goodness!!

We don't get to bake as much with our little helper, Hutchinson getting into everything but soon enough we will ALL get to bake together :)

o my. sweet little thing.

Splash park snack time!

Love how the green balloon showed up in the shadow.

A storm moving in...thankfully we have had some rain!!!

Homemade blueberry muffins complete with fresh blueberry compote and Finnean sprinkled stresal.


"What!? You want a bite of my corn dog. You are crazy"
My favorite Finnean picture yet!
He was so pumped for his corn dog!!

Fair Squares!!
He looks sooo old!!! 
Check out the fly that I caught buzzing by...just to the left of the light looks HUGE!
Doing a little grilling:)

Splash park mohawk!!

Love this little man.  We had a great date!

Happy boy.

Loving their cheese while shopping! 
Lisa had a perfect caption...
"Looks like they were caught with their hands in the cookie/cheese jar!"

Love these boys!!

Michael got me a fancy smart phone for my birthday...I am still trying to figure it out BUT I can take pictures of these sweet boys...most of these are from my Instragram account, so there is a filter on them.  Love being able to capture just day to day activities :)
First taste of strawberries...yum!!

Just hanging in the fridge!

We were at Sam's Club and we opened the graham crackers to get us out the door without a meltdown.  Hutchinson figured out to get the crackers out himself...this is him being "caught" stealing a cracker.  Sweet little thing!

Go Mustangs!!
State Baseball-2012

Yogurt is yummy!

My little urban cowboy.


"I'm gonna get you!!"
Doesn't he look naughty!

This is one of my favorite pictures of the boys.
They have started playing together.  Hutchinson was driving the imaginary "train" while Finnean was in the "car" of the train.  Of course, Hutchinson can't imagine things yet but I do think he knows he is playing with his big brother.  It is pretty sweet to watch them interact.

Motorcycle repair shop.

Watching (and wishing) he could play in the sand box!

Sweet boy!!
