
Monday, April 26, 2010

The sounds of Finnean

Finnean has really started talking lately. He has added quite a few new words. 'Thank you' being one of the cutest that he says. In this video you can hear him in his own little language and working on his animal sounds!

Finnean loves to...

  • dance. Any music comes on, he starts moving. He sways, bops and even dances like a punk rocker
  • throw. Anything that looks like it could be a ball...he is going to give it a throw.
  • talk. He has turned into quite the little chatter box.
  • imitate. He can copy what you do.
  • recycle. He gets so excited when he puts stuff in the right bin.
  • watch. He loves to watch the trunks go by.
  • play. Jerry and Finnean love to play "fetch."
  • eat. Blackberries are the fav right now. He can really put down the food.
  • ride. He loves to cruise in the Cozy Coupe.
  • read. He would read 50 books before bed if we let him.
  • sleep. He is a great little sleeper!
  • laugh. He is so ticklish under his arms and he makes himself laugh now. It is so sweet!

picture update!

Finnean had his first dental check up on April 9th. He did as good as to be expected...he cried and cried! That was a good thing...the dentist checked all his teeth quickly and they all looked great!

Doesn't he look so big here!? This is first time wearing shorts this year. He loved his shirt...Kim at daycare said all day he pointed at his shirt and said "Ball!"

He loves to climb! This is his attempt at opening the gate.

He is getting really good at opening these. He laughs when they open and gets a little upset when they do not!

Our little monkey!
He was helping me make breakfast here...pancakes of course!!
Finnean loves to read magazines. He is kicking back learning about stuff to do in Des Moines on this day!
Playing with trucks have to be one of the coolest things to do at our house. The only thing that is better...throwing balls around the house.


just like dad!

Finnean loves to help clean the house. He wanted to help Michael vacuum the floor so he let him. Finnean loved it so much that he cried and cried when we put up the vacuum. So we got it back out and he "vacuumed" until the battery died! I hope he loves to clean when he gets bigger!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Keep scrolling...

If you haven't visited our blog in a while...keep clicking "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page. We have had a lot of pictures to post. Thanks for checking in with us and if you have a few minutes...leave us comments! We would love to here from you. We are thinking Spring here and enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather!!

First Trip To Snookies!

Snookies is this wonderful little local ice cream place in Beaverdale. People line up to be the first in line on opening day (April 10th this year) to be the first to get the goodness that they serve up! This is Finnean waiting in line for his FIRST EVER ice cream cone!

First's cold!! It only took a couple bites and then he was all about it!

This is my favorite picture from tonight!

Towards the end he even held it on his own...

His cheesy smile warms up my heart! He was so happy!

He was so big, he even crunched the cone!

Drips, Drips and more drips.
Michael actually got more on his clothes than Finnean got on his!
Silly BOY!
Pure Joy.
(Okay...this is my favorite. )

Last bite.

You have to go to Snookies!

Proud Parent Moment

Finnean LOVES birds and can spot one flying by like a pro. All weekend he has been doing a sign (pinching his fingers together) when a bird would fly by or when he would see one out the window. We thought that his friend at school must have taught him that because we did not. We googled it last night to see what the sign for Bird is and sure enough Finnean has it almost right on. So I asked Kim at daycare today if his friend knows the sign for Bird. The little boy did a sign that is not even close to what Finnean was doing...we have no idea where he learned it the only thing we can come up with...he is a genius!!!!

Finnean's First Outside Cozy Coupe Adventure!

We took the Coupe outside for the first time tonight! Finnean held onto the steering wheel almost the whole time and loved pointing at anything he thought was cool. He had a blast!
All ready to go!

Go, Go, GO!

Finnean's Coupe ran out of he had to push it home!

Another trip down the street...he loves his new ride!!

Fun Saturday!

Finnean got this wagon from Grandpa and Grandma Thordarson and thought he would try to fit in it. He was so frustrated that he couldn't sit in it!!! He loves to pull it around but if you put to much weight on one bonks you in the head...Finnean found this out MANY times this weekend!!!
Our first trip to the Sculpture Park in Downtown Des Moines.
Finnean loved the tulips and we were worried that he was going to eat it instead of just smell it!

Dad's view from inside the Nomad.

The Nomad is made of giant letters. We found part of Finnean's initials.

Tiny Finnean. Huge Art.

He looks like he is sprinting!
It was so great because he led us on the tour of the art.

We didn't know that Finnean could read Braille but it sure seemed like he knew what he was reading!

This was one of Finnean's favorite displays.

Finnean just walked up to this piece of art and stood there like he was doing his best to interpret it. He was so serious about it.

So big!!

He looks so old here!

and so little here!!
We are so thankful to live in a city that has such wonderful art for us to enjoy! If you haven't stopped need to put it on your list of things to do this spring!!!


Finnean and Dad getting ready for church...I couldn't get a good picture with Finnean looking but they are too cute not to post!

Carter (he is four) and Finnean.
They look like they could get into some trouble together!

Finnean LOVES basketball. He didn't want to give it up and go inside!

Slam DUNK!!!

Only family shot...and Finnean was mad because he wanted to play basketball. BUT that is what life was really like-so we captured the moment!

We took these later in the afternoon and I couldn't resist posting so many of them. He just is too cute!

He loved throwing the rocks!!

He likes to line up the rocks...I wonder where he gets that from!? has been a long day!


This one makes me smile-he looks bored!

He is so tiny compared to the funeral home!

Finnean at Grandma and Poppa's!

What a turkey!!!

This was on the way home. We didn't head back to Ankeny until around 6ish (to wait out a bad storm that was on our path) and Finnean looks worn out! He must have been hungry...snacking on his little cute toes!!!