
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Next time won't you sing with me?

Day 4

I did not mention in my post about Bloomfield that in our hurried packing I forgot to pack one of Finnean's most prized possessions, his pacifier.  I realized this with great fear about 8:15 when I went up to put him to bed on Sunday night.  Panic and fear came over me and I thought...he is never going to go to sleep AND I am the worst mom ever...I forgot his favorite, most soothing thing.  Okay-so what do you do?  Do you go buy a new one?  Do you just pray that he doesn't cry?  Michael held strong and said "we said that we are not buying any more."  So we didn't.  In his saddest voice ever, Finnean continuously asked for his paci.  So Michael took his turn laying with him and then I took mine.  After almost two hours, he finally fell asleep AND  he slept through the night with no fuss about the paci at all.  The next day when it came to nap time he asked for it a couple of times and then cried that he wanted to sleep in the crib, so I put him in there and he was asleep just like that!  I thought, okay-we are going to make it AND the paci is going to be gone.  We stopped at Walgreens on the way home and got him a Buzz Lightyear action figure (cousin Carter has one and he thinks it is SO cool!) and when we got home we put Buzz on his pillow and took the paci before he could see it.  We made a huge deal out of how Buzz was big and strong, just like Finnean.  He thought it was absolutely awesome.   He asked for his paci a couple times but no tears.  He fell asleep, no problem, granted it was way past his bedtime.  So the true test came on Monday (Day 3).  Michael said that he gave him quite a bit of beef at naptime and really wanted his paci and even told him "I not strong like Buzz Lightyear!"  So sad, he cried and cried last night before bed and did the same today.  So we are hoping that he soon forgets how awesome his paci was because we are not the "cry-it-out" kind of parents, it is basically like torturing us when he cries and cries like he has the past two nights.  Send your "no more paci prayers" our way!  We will let you know when we are "happily" paci free!


We hit up all of our favorite things to do in Des Moines during our long weekend and even did some re-organizing of the house before we woke up from a nap and said...we should go to Bloomfield.  So we did!  It was a quick trip but fun for sure! 
Finnean helping Carter play his DS.  Finnean turns all kinds of things into a "DS" at our house because of watching Carter play his. It is pretty cute to see what he can come up with!

This little guy was hanging around Grandma and Poppa's kitchen real significance to our lives but makes me laugh every time I see it! 

Daddy put together Finnean's Hot Wheels that he got for his birthday...pretty cool dude riding along!  His legs are just a little too short still :(

Playing hard outside with Carter!

Cubbie Bear!!

After last week's crazy long week, Michael had Thursday and Friday off.  It was great to have a long weekend together and to get to hang out!  To start off our weekend we headed to the I-Cubs afternoon game.  It was almost chilly for a late May day but we were just happy to be together!
Relaxing before the game...

Lunch at the ball park! 
Finnean loved that his lunch came in a cool Cubbie Bear bucket!  It also doubles as a hat and steering wheel!

Getting sleepy.  At about 1:31 pm Finnean looked at me and said "I go back home."  1:30 is about the latest he ever goes down for a nap!  He is very responsible and loves his sleep!

Dad and Finnean

Silly boy walking back to the car.  He had a great time and so did we!

A little about Finnean...

  • he is funny, flat out funny.
  • he loves to snuggle and melts my heart when he says "You snuggle with me?"
  • he can identify all of his letters expect N.  That is tough being right after M!
  • he can read "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" and it is ridiculously cute.
  • he loves fruit, especially "canta-ma-na-loupe."
  • peanut butter is probably his favorite food.
  • he loves his little baby, Cozmo and thinks that it is a baby girl most days.  The girl name just might be easier for him to say.   He still hasn't spilled our beans yet of what names we have picked!
  • he still wears diapers and could care less that he does!
  • he loves to go for walks and go "exercising" as a family.
  • he is very observant and notices everything. 
  • he loves to ride his motorcycle. today he told us he was waiting for a green light.
  • he is very busy, loves to make believe anything and likes to build legos still.
  • he loves music.  The Hippos, The Beatles and The ISU Marching Band still top his fav list.
  • he has a smile that can light up a room and an awesome energy about him.  For the most part he is pretty laid back and cool cat.
  • he knows that he likes and what he does not like.  a little more opinionated you could say.
  • he is talking so much more.  he is making huge sentences and uses his manners most of the time. he is not a big fan of YES/NO questions...maybe we should stop asking them :)  It leaves the door open for a very opinionated "NO!"
  • he loves "church school" and has a lot of fun while he is there.
  • he is getting very good at sharing with his friend Grady!  WHOO HOO!
  • he loves babies and is so excited for Cozmo.
  • he has forgotten about the #5...his counting sounds something like 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9...i think he can get to 14 before he skips to 18,19,20!!
  • he loves to describe everything as BIG, HUGE and GIANT!
  • he is just down right fun to be around...


The morning after the National Main Streest Bash in Valley Junction, Finnean and I slept in big time!  What is the perfect way to cap off a great morning...DONUTS!  Finnnean had a gourmet donut called Cookies and Cream.  Can't say it was the healthiest breakfast he has ever had...

...BUT I think he liked it :)

I love his eye brows...they are so expressive.  Not sure what he was doing here but being silly for sure!

National Main Streets Conference

Last week Main Street Iowa hosted the National Main Streets Conference.  It was a crazy, fun week and they did an amazing job impressing the rest of the nation with their unique ideas!  Finnean and I "volunteered" at one of the events at the Iowa State Fair grounds.  It was so fun to meet so many of the people that I have heard Michael talk so much about and to hear all of them rave about how great Michael is at what he does.  We are so proud of you, Daddy!!
They even had mini funnel cakes!  It was so fun!

This boy is crazy!!!  He had so much fun playing and entertaining people!

It is not a fair without animals!  For some reason Finnean didn't want to pet them but thought they were pretty cool!

Best $13 we ever spent.  He loved to listen to the long as he had these on! 
You may have noticed his shirt...we love Des Moines!

Turns out that all of my volunteer duties were given to others-so I just got to enjoy the event and make sure that Finnean was having a good time.  Tough job when you are the "Main Street Baby!"

Enjoying our funnel cake.  The night was amazingly beautiful!!

Heck Yes!

A little mini golf for our little golfer!  Check the courthouse in the background...someone made that out of wood!  It was awesome!! 

On Tuesday night, the event was held in Valley Junction.  My business was also participating in the street party as a vendor.  Finnean had a great time helping us set up and then he got to play with Abby and Cory...which is always fun!!

Getting some dinner with his friends.  It is such a wonderful feeling to know that so many people love him!

Finnean made a new buddy, Matthew (Kelcee's bro).  They had so much fun!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Finnean loves music!

Today was absolutely beautiful so we headed down to an outdoor concert held at our church.  They had big band music from the 19-teens and a traveling carillon.  It was a neat combination and a perfect way to spend the afternoon!

This is Finnean trying out his new earmuffs that help reduce the noise when it is too loud.  They apparently worked because he started crying when the horns got loud, I put them on and he was just fine!  It is just a bonus that he looks so cute in them! We are so excited to take the little guy to some concerts!!

He looks a little nervous but he was just eyeing the kids behind and their ice cream!

Fun in the rain!

Playing in the rain is fun...except for the windy, wind! 

Serious cuteness.

Singing in the rain!

Look at those cheeks! 

I love that I get to spend so much time with this little cutie!! 

He looks a little naughty here!

He just ran and ran around...loved the rain!

The suburbs are not the perfect place to find puddles even after tons of rain.  So we had to settle for this tiny puddle in the yard.  Finnean still thought it was pretty sweet! 

A great day for a little golf!!

Look at that form!
 Be sure to check the ball flying through the air!

Bad deal about hitting it so have to go looking for it!

Taking another swing at it. 
Michael loves that he is wearing a hat and glasses...very PGA tour like.

Zoo adventure with Grady and Jace!

Very seriously checking out the penguins.

I could not believe that he willingly ran into this tunnel but I guess everything is a lot less scary when your good buddy Grady is with you.  They ran and ran loops through the tunnel!

I am not sure they can get any cuter!!  Sweet boys checking out the giraffes-which were the biggest hit of the day!

Having a snack with the giraffes!

Finnean and Mommy taking a break!

This is Baby Jace-who is quite the big boy, so I am not sure when we will stop calling him Baby Jace!  Isn't he sweet!!

Ready, set, somersault!!
Finnean (left), Grady (middle) and even Stephanie (right) did one!!

Cousin Josh visits again!

Earlier this week we had the chance to see Michael's cousin Josh and Grandma and Poppa Wagler.  It was so fun to visit with them over dinner! 


"I do it myself!"

Looks like it takes a lot of muscle to blow bubbles!!!

LOVE this boy!  His laugh is just awesome. 

My two favorite boys cheesing it up!

V is for Volunteering!

Earlier this month we volunteer to serve coffee at our church to the parents of the childcare center that is associated with the church.  Finnean did a great job making people smile, getting lids for cups and helping fill the creamer!  Volunteering is something we want Finnean to know all about!  Pay it forward!!

Rocking out on the way home with his "guitar and pick" AKA a window shade and a penny.