
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Adventures with Finnean

Finnean got a tiny kite from Grandma and Poppa Wagler for Easter.  It is the perfect size because he can fly it all by himself!

WOW! That is cool!

After flying the kite and climbing a mountain in our back yard (aka a big hill), Finnean said he wanted to go for a run.  So he ran and I walked very quickly, as running is not something I ever did, let alone 7+ months pregnant!  He has really been into "exercising" lately-it is so fun to watch him do jumping jacks and push ups!!

Another days last week we hit up a park with Stephanie and the boys.  We fed the ducks before going down the slide a hundred times!

The park has a little baseball field and of course Finnean turned his bubble wand into a bat!  The boys LOVED running everywhere!

And boy are they fast!!!

Last week we headed to Valley Junction for the ribbon cutting of the newly renovated City Hall.  It was so fun to see Finnean's Main Street friends.  This is him giving Jim and Marcia some love!

After the ribbon cutting we caught up with Abby and Cory for dinner.  Finnean loves to hang with his friends!

Momma and Finnean

Stretching our legs after supper!


1 comment:

Haley Bishop said...

SO cute! He is getting big! You look adorable!