
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Off to Madison...

Picnic in the Park! This park had lots of little squirrels and birdies to watch!

Finnean and Dad being silly with the statues in another little park!


We headed off to Madison, WI on Friday morning (July 24th). We stopped in Mt. Vernon, IA to take a break and had a picnic in the park. Mt. Vernon is a super cute little town and it happens to be one of Michael's Main Street towns, so it made for a perfect break stop. While we were taking a bathroom break, Finnean and Dad were standing outside of Casey's which was on a very busy road. Finnean watched the semis go all the way by and then would look for the next to come down the road and disappear...after a few Finnean started waving Bye Bye to all the semi's that were going by and HELLO to all of the people stopping at Casey's! Yeah for waving!!!

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