
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Playing Catch up...

Please check out all the new pictures that I have added and here is a little update on what Finnean has been up too! Our fall has been wonderful, we are soaking up the beautiful weather, enjoying the library and going on adventures! Finnean continues to crack us up and is working on saying bigger words. He loves sports and is enjoying all the pumpkins that are around. He is a huge fan of chicken nuggets, which he calls "thicken nuggas." He wants them for breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner. I swear I only give them to him like once a week!!! His newest phrase is "Check it ouuuuttt!!" He digs being a giraffe for Halloween. He loves to talk on the phone. He drinks milk out of a big boy cup like a champ. He has the cheesiest smile but it is absolutely adorable. He loves goats. Reads all the time. He can "read" you books by looking at what is going on in the pictures. He knows some shapes, the diamond is his favorite. Up until yesterday he counted by saying...."two, nine, two, nine..." Now it is "one, two, nine." He is working on his ABCs but really only says TUV when he is singing the song. He can do the itsy bitsy is pretty cute. He is just a little sponge and soaks up everything...enjoy the pictures!!

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