
Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Giraffe is back...

My sweet little boy...

Getting ready to go to Night Eyes.

I think this one is just perfect...little tiny giraffe with all the pumpkins he has collected over the fall!

Trick or Treat!!
Finnean started his trick or treating early this year with a stop at Abby and Cory's. Please notice Finnean sorting his the end of it he had all of his Smarties lined up like a train! Thanks Abby and Cory!
(pictures of his sweet shirt that he got trick or treating to come soon!)
Night Eyes at the Blank Park Zoo was not quite what we expected but we had a good time because we were all together! Finnean and Daddy loved the Dum-Dums we got along the way. Finnean did NOT want to give up the sucker but we were afraid it was going to fall off the stick...didn't play that one all the way through before giving him the sucker!!

The best part about Night Eyes...the last stop was free ice cream sandwiches!! The little giraffe even got some! Stay tuned for more giraffe pictures to come when it is actually Halloween!

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