
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hutchinson Reyes Wagler is FOUR months old!

Oh sweet Hutchinson.  He is wrapped around my finger.  He has these mysterious eyes.  We are all so in love.  He is active.  He loves floor time.  When he gets excited his whole body moves!  He is still looking like his Momma for the most part.  Hutch is 14.8 pounds and is 55-60% in weight.  He is now 25 1/2 inches long and is also 55-60% in height.  He seems really long and his is pretty round.  His cheeks are awesome.  He is trying SO hard to roll over and has only made it happen once, on Thanksgiving.  He is starting to grow back some of his hair.  Hutchinson loves to laugh with Daddy and talk to Finnean.  Hutchinson likes to watch everything that is going on and then tell you about it in squeals and coos.  He is very observant.  He is becoming a pro at putting things in his mouth.  He had rice cereal for the first time this week (more on that later).  He is a really good baby.  Hutchinson loves to be snuggled and to cuddle in your arms.  He is getting way better at taking naps in his pack and play.  He is still sleeping upstairs, but in the living room (makes for a tight fit with the Christmas tree!!)  Most nights he sleeps til 5 or 6 but a few nights he has been up a couple times.  Someday he will sleep through the night, consistently!  He is getting to a really fun age, loves to interact with you and is just so smiley!!  Hutchinson is just a happy little guy and we can't get enough of him. 

Finnean Michael Wagler is THREE years old!


WOW!  We have a three year old.  #1 it is awesome.  He is awesome. #2 It makes me feel kind of old.  I don't worry about my age ever, but Finnean turning three made me feel old!  Okay, where to start.  Finnean is so funny.  He is particular.  He is creative.  He loves to make Hutchinson laugh and is quite possibly the sweetest big brother.  He love to draw and can write the first two letters in his name.  He can identify all of his letters and many times tell you what letter a word starts with if you say one to him.  Playdough is awesome to him.  He loves music.  He wants to play the guitar in a band.  The kid loves to bake and cook.  He asks me everyday if we can bake something.  If I say no, he says "Why not?  Just get a recipe out!"  He is a talker.  He is not a very good eater.  He has tantrums, knock down drag out tantrums.  Thankfully not very often.  He loves Sunday School.  He is skinny.  He grew 4 inches in the past year.  Currently he is weighing in at 26.6 pounds and is in the 10-15% for weight.  He is 37 1/2 inches tall and is 50% in height.  He is so old that he got his blood pressure taken at his check up!  We work everyday on being polite and respectful.  He loves his friends but doesn't always enjoy sharing with them. He is emotional and maybe a bit dramatic!  He loves football and sports in general.  He loves his family and is the best at reminding us to do a "family hug!" Family hug involves everyone getting together for a big squeeze.  He loves to read and is getting better at sleeping through the night (after potty training, it has been a struggle).  He is completely potty trained.  He wears 24 months and 2T pants and 2T and 3T shirts.  He loves his Cyclone hat and we don't go anywhere without it.  He loves stripe blanket still and now has a pillow pet that he must sleep with.  He still listens to sleepy music.  Finnean has these killer eyelashes and an amazing smile.  He cracks us up and comes up with the funniest things to say.  He loves to go on adventures and sometimes hates going to bed.  All around we feel so lucky to have such an energetic, fun and healthy three year old!  We can't believe that he is THREE!!!