
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

the rest of wisconsin...

Sooo..about six months ago we went to Wisconsin.  I never blogged about it but I want to blog about here it is-super late but still full of awesome memories and great pictures that we captured from our first BIG family vacation as a family of four! 
After we left Madison, we heading to Milwaukee to stay with the Dolan's.  They are good people, really good people.  They should probably just move to Iowa. :) Anyway, we met them through "Uncle Trav" in college and have always loved their company.  Travis met us there for the weekend and we had a great time!  We had the PERFECT sunshiny day to visit Lake Michigan.  The boys played in the sand and splashed a bit in the water.  I can just feel that warm sunshine.  Finnean loved exploring and Hutchinson loved the sand between his toes.  The top picture is one of my all time favorites of Hutchinson and me.  I love that boy, his smile and the way he can make me smile!

Playing with our friends!  Bennett and Uncle Trav!  Finnean loved being the big kid and did great showing the little boys how to play!  Hutchinson was just learning to stand on his one...looking pretty good!  I love the top middle picture of Finnean pondering life while Michael shows Hutchinson the water. 


After the beach we snuck in naps for the babes and then headed to a Brewers game.  The stadium is amazing!  Such a fun backdrop for a little tailgating!  The last time we were at a game, Finnean was in my belly!!! So it has been a while.  We had a great time.  I LOVE the family picture.  Finnean did NOT want to be in the picture but I made Travis keep him in it, just so we can poke fun of him someday when his girlfriends are over looking at pictures!  Hutchinson loved being the center of attention as he was practicing his standing and I am pretty sure that he ate a half of a watermelon while we were tailgating. 

Finnean was pretty impressed with the big stadium as we walked up to it.  He thought it was SO HUGE when we got inside.  He spent a lot of his time checking out everything around him.  Both boys did awesome, even though it was kind of a late night.  We only lost it once when a huge home run was hit and it was LOUD!!!  We recovered and Finnean ate peanuts the rest of the game :)  Tim and Jana's neighbor hooked us up with some sweet tickets!  When we were walking to our seats we just kept getting closer and closer to the field.  We right by 3rd base and just about 10 rows up.  It was so neat to be so close.  What a fun adventure!!  We spent our evening as Tim and Jana's out by the fire.  It was great to catch up and we can't wait to go back!!

Best. Ice Cream. Ever.
Before we headed to Milwaukee we stopped on the UW campus for a little walk around and it visit Union Terrace.  It is just beautiful.  People everywhere, fun colorful seating and it is right on the lake.  Sailboats coming in and out and best of all, you get to eat some of the best ice cream ever.  We had a blast and this was one of favorite parts of the trip. 

I had to add this picture of Finnean.  He was SO worn out after all of that vacationing.  This was the day we were coming home.  Sweet, tired boy!

We made a pit stop in Dubuque on the way back.  Great place to stretch our legs and they have a lot of public art on their river walk.  We definitely want to go back and check it out when we have more time.  As you can see, Finnean is very into the map on the art walk!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Almost 18 months.

Almost 18 months!? What!? How can that be!?  Where did my tiny baby go?  He is not a tiny baby anymore.  In fact, he is a full-blown toddler.  Just a few things about what Hutchinson is up too this days:
  • He is FULL of jibber jabber.  He is so expressive and has this sweet little squealing giggle.  He is ALWAYS making noise, I wonder where he gets that from? He can say Dad and Hi Dad, as clear as Finnean can.  He says ball, car, pleeeeease, more and something that sounds like thank you and love you!  He is amazing at communicating.  He knows what he wants and if you ask him about something he will answer yes but nodding his head very matter of factly.  He is gaining new words everyday-this weekend he said GaGa.  We were at Grandma Lisa's and it is for sure that he knows she is GaGa!  It is soooo cute! 
  • He is FAST!  He loves to run around and I think he thinks is about 3 1/2. He climbs-O BOY does he climb.  He loves to get on the kitchen chairs and I am afraid that the table is not to far away from being on top of! 
  • He loves cars and you can usually find him toting one (or three) around with him.  He LOVES to read.  He brings me books all throughout the day and just makes himself at home on my lap.  I don't ever want that to end.  It just might be the cutest thing ever.  He backs himself up and just plops down.  He can walk backwards and just learned to turn in circles. He loves to play ball and he LOVES to throw things.  I don't particularly care for this skill but he sure seems to enjoy it.  So does Jerry-he gets all the food Hutchinson throws. 
  • Speaking of Jerry, this boy loves his Jerry dog.  He loves to hug him and give him nice touches.  I think sometimes he tries "talking" to him but Jerry isn't much of a chatter.
  • Hutchinson loves his brother.  I don't even know where to begin.  No one can make Hutchinson laugh as hard as Finnean does.  On Friday, Finnean was peeking him and his laugh just came from his toes.  I just wanted stop time and let that moment go on forever.  Finnean thinks it is this best thing since peanut butter to make him laugh.  They play together and they fight over cars.  If Hutchinson has something, Finnean is for sure to want it.  Not so much vice versa...yet!  They spend time playing "chase", racing cars, going in the tent, reading books, being baby puppies and playing Legos.  It is so fun to watch their bond grow each day. 
  • Hutchinson has some killer fine motor skills.  This boy can stack legos and blocks like no body's business.  He even stacks blueberries!  He must have gotten this from watching his brother :)
  • The newest and cutest thing Hutchinson has started doing is "folding his hands."  We pray before nap time and bedtime and last week he started putting his hands together.  Heart melted.  Today we were snuggling and I forgot to start praying after our books and he put his hands together.  I asked him if he wanted to say his prayers and he squealed with delight.  So sweet!
  • He still has me wrapped around his tiny chubby fingers.  I am working on making sure I don't treat him like a baby, since he is being such a big boy.
  • He is quick with a smile and loves to giggle.  He waves and LOVES to say Bye-Bye!  He also says the sweetest, Nigh-Nigh! 
  • Hutchinson has been busy learning where his nose and ears are.  He loves to wiggle his tongue when you ask him where it is-thanks to Poppa, who taught him that on Facetime one night.  He loves to  pat his belly and knows that his shoes and socks go on his toes!  The cutest is when he blinks his eyes at you when you ask him where is eyes are. 
  • He is quite the momma's boy but oddly enough he doesn't say my name. ever. I am trying not to have my feelings hurt about this but come on little thing! 
  • His new thing is when he get frustrated he bites his finger or whatever he is holding, really hard.  I wish he wouldn't do this but hopefully it is just a stage. 
  • He is loud! So loud.  He loves to yell and scream for no real reason at all.  Finnean hates this because he thinks Hutchinson his yelling at him.  He is such a sensitive soul that he started to get sad-he better toughen up.  I think Hutchinson will be roughing him up before we know it!
  • Overall I would say that he is just a happy, free spirited little boy.  He loves to play hard and he sleeps hard.  It is so fun watching him grow.  SO hard to believe that just 18 months ago he was this little! He has stolen our hearts and we can't wait to see what the next 18 months has in store for us!
Hopefully I will get some pictures on here soon :)