
Monday, November 17, 2008

2 weeks until "due date"

Yes...we are getting closer!!! Our days are spent wondering what else can we do to get ready for this tiny little miracle and most of all...WHEN ARE YOU COMING!?!?! The weekend was fun filled with more mom, dad and jerry time around the house putting finishing touches on the room. We completed our art project for Cozmo's room and hung some now all we need is a baby!! We got the pack and play (Cozmo's sleeping arrangements for a while) this weekend and Dad figured out how to pack and unpack it!! We are ready...well as ready as we can be!

We went to the doctor today and she said that from a "health" stand point things could not be better. I am healthy, baby is healthy and a good size, the heart sounded great. She is hoping that baby comes in the next two weeks but they will not let me go past 41 weeks...which means in at least THREE WEEKS we will have a baby and Cozmo will finally get a real name! Right now I am 80% effaced, which is movement from last keep your fingers crossed that Cozmo comes on his/her own terms, as I am not really wanting to be induced. Still dilated to 1 and that can be like that for a long time, so nothing to get my hopes up about BUT there is movement!!!! And this momma needs some encouragement.

My nights continue to be full of trips to the bathroom and stints of sleep that only last about an hour at a time. So hopefully...I can get some rest before Cozmo comes. Who knows...but I am sure that I will make it! Again- Michael has been so supportive and wonderful, Cozmo and I are so blessed--but I think he is so ready for Cozmo to come too!!

Keep us in your thoughts and we will keep you posted!


-Oh, your still here?
-You haven't had that baby yet?
-You are looking bigger every day!
-When is that baby coming?

Wish I had a good response to these...but I just keep smiling :)

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