
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Finnean just learned to "walk" his toys. In this video he is walking the phone but he has a puppy that he takes for a "walk." Michael is excited because he thinks Finnean will be able to take Jerry soon-not by himself of course!!! The rest of it is just him hanging out in his corner of toys. Enjoy!

15 months...

We are coming up on 15 months old. Finnean has turned into such a big boy! I am not keeping up his baby book from month to month so I am going to try keep up on what we did on here-since we hope to print it out for Finnean and he can always know what he did when he was such a little guy. I will also keep you up on the fun new things he is learning!

What Finnean did...
  • started a new daycare-loves it!
  • watched the super bowl-saints win for the first time ever!
  • got to see family lots!
  • went out to dinner with friends
  • got sick...YUCK!
  • went to the Science Center with Kaia
  • had a Valentine's party
  • went to the ISU basketball game for the first time

What Finnean can do...

  • is a real pro at walking
  • talking a lot more.
  • new words...touchdown, something that sounds like "more please"(he says it when he wants more to eat), momma (a lot more), go. He just "says" so much more-like he knows what he is saying but we have no idea. Today he held up his fork and said something that sounded like very clear German!
  • is very inquisitive and wants to learn
  • has a temper when he can't do something
  • loves Jerry
  • loves hanging out with Dad
  • plays really hard all the time-enjoys knocking over towers, pulling toys, making noise and playing the in box
  • has learned to CLIMB! what a turkey-he loves to try and get out of his highchair and climb into his activity table
  • is much more independent and likes to do stuff on his own
  • drinks out of a sippy...most of the time :)
  • eats everything!!! he loves red peppers, tons of fruit, chicken and beef (we weren't sure he was ever going to eat it) and goldfish...are his new favs.
  • loves hanging out on his couch and reading books

He is doing so much more I am sure but this is what I can remember right now! He is a joy to be around and still has a pretty laid back attitude!

what life is like at our house...

Here are a few pictures from day to day life at our house. Finnean has turned into quite the little boy and continues to crack us up...
Just monkeyin' around...

Finnean has this little trumpet and amazed us today by pretending to playing it.

Finnean LOVES basketball. He watches and says "go!" and cheers for his team. This morning we were reading the paper and he found the sports section and read up on the box scores from last night!

Cousin Carter and Aunt Ellie came over last night and the boys had fun playing hard. I love this one because you can't even see Finnean but he is in there!

Silly boys!!

Look at that crazy hair! Finnean loves to play with his hair when he is sleepy-so if he goes to sleep with damp hair he wakes up with some mad bed head!

What a stinker!

Finnean loves to play in the big car seat box! We still have not installed the new car seat-he is still so little that he is in his infant carrier!

Playing hard in the box.

He loves to drink his water!

Maxing and relaxing on his couch.

This is Finnean working on his Valentine's earlier this month. He loves to paint but loves to drum his paintbrush even more!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

1st ISU Basketball game!

Saturday was a busy day for us. Kaia and Kaitlyn called and invited us to the Science Center-so we did that and had a great time! It is so fun to watch them explore together and to see how much difference just a few months makes. After that we headed to Ames to watch the ISU men's basketball game. Finnean has really started to love watching basketball on TV. He will sit on his couch and pump his fist and say "go!" So we hoped he would love it as much in person...and he did! He watched the players run up and down the court and even clapped when everyone else did. He did cheer a couple times for the other team but he is learning! After a while he got sleepy and decided that he would just read a book!

Valentine's Day Party!!!

Finnean loves his new Fire Truck couch. He likes to watch basketball and kick back but most of all he LOVES to dive over the back of the couch and do a somersault.
On Valentine's Day we had two of Finnean's little friends over for a little party. We had a great time playing hard!! Ben and Stephanie stayed for dinner and Stephanie and I made cookies to send to daycare. They tasted great but didn't look the prettiest!! Who cares when they are covered in frosting!! It was so fun to see all the kids play together. Enjoy a few pictures from our fun day!
Kaia really liked Michael-this is all the kids reading books together!

Finnean and Grady trying to "share" the couch!

Finnean, Grady and Kaia

Kaia, Finnean's Valentine!
She had such a great time!

Finnean and Grady had a great time playing in the tunnel!

Kaia had a pretty pink backpack and Finnean found the pink My Little Pony-he loves pink! I think he finds it because we don't have much of it at our house!

Finnean and Kaia eating snack. We were a little nervous about how Kaia would do leaving her Momma and Daddy but she did AWESOME! She was dancing and talking along with Finnean!

Silly boy loves to pat his belly! His new thing is to lift up his shirt and find his belly!
This one is a little blurry...but to cute not to post. He is so full of energy these days.

Finnean has really started to love drinking his milk. He is very particular-only drinks milk out of a sippy with a straw. Then he drinks water out a different kind of sippy. What a turkey! We are still working on giving up that morning bottle-but he isn't very interested about giving that up yet!


This is Finnean acting like Jerry. He did this without any prompting. He loves Jerry!

"Are you for real?!"

His belly is getting so big. He really has been putting on weight until he got sick last week and didn't really eat anything for a couple days and he lost some weight. We are hoping he will be back on the weight gaining train soon!

This is one of my favorite pictures ever!! Finnean loves Jerry so much. He is always trying to pet him and get him to play with his toys. Jerry does such a good job of being patient and we think he likes Finnean too!


We just got a new computer...a laptop!!! YES! I am so excited that I don't have to go into our cold, cold basement to update the blog AND I should be able to update the blog more often! We are also really excited because Grandma and Poppa Wagler have a laptop and they Skype cousin Carter and Aunt Ellie-Finnean wasn't quite sure what to think that he could see and hear his family because they were not at our house! By the end he was playing peek-a-boo with Grandma Lisa and thought it was pretty neat. It is just another great way to stay connected!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Just to confirm my hate for the cold. Please reference the "keys" blog entry from a couple weeks ago after reading this story.

Michael was out of town last week and I needed to take Jerry out before bedtime. I stayed up way to late blogging so it was SUPER cold-we are talking negative five. Good idea, right? Well on the way outside the doorknob was being kind of funny and I thought maybe I should go through the garage? No-it will be fine I got it locked and I just be out there for a minute. The door is locked and I was talking to Michael on the phone while we were "doing our business." I bee-bop up to the door and can't get it unlocked. Great. Now what?! Michael says on the phone where he is comfortably lounging inside two hours away-yeah the lock has been sticky just turn it a little harder. With my brut strength the broke the key OFF IN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!! With my beautiful baby boy locked inside and Jerry and me outside in the freezing cold. As this happens of course I start to freak out and my phone starts to die because it is so cold. I am crying and tell Michael I have to go-so I can call 911. Poor guy-he has NO idea what is going on and I hang up on him. The wonderful women at the police station was SO nice AND calm -got the police on their way and called a locksmith. Then all I could think is how much is that going to cost-you are so stupid!!!! Why didn't you just go through the garage!! I called Michael back and since he couldn't do anything for us-he looked up the price to the locksmith. I think that is so cute because that is the only thing he could do to "control" the situation. It felt like FOREVER for the police to arrive but they did. One cop who just got off work game and "MacGyver'ed" the door open with little too no effort. They called off the locksmith-thank goodness and they were so nice. They didn't make me feel like a terrible mom even though that is what I felt like because I left myself in the house alone. The cops made sure Finnean was fine and told me to have a good evening. They were great!!! So I let Michael know we were fine and we even laughed about it that night.

The moral of this story is I am no longer taking Jerry outside OR filling the car up with gas. AND I am officially ready for Spring.
Ridiculously cute!!

New Daycare!

Finnean started a new daycare this week. He has been doing GREAT!!! The first day...he didn't have any issue with us leaving him there. He ate, slept for 2.5 hours and played some more. The next couple of days he gave Dad a hard time when he was leaving but Kim said that he did just fine a few minutes after he left. He continues to eat and sleep well and even took a nap without his paci today!! We were very worried about how the transition would go but he seems to have a lot of fun there and we are so thankful for that. He is actually going to the same daycare that his friend Grady goes to. We are so excited that they will get to play together even more! We will keep you posted and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he continues to do so well!!

It was hard to see La Petite go-his teachers were so great but it was so expensive. We are pumped to be saving some money and have Finnean in a really great place! Thanks Stephanie and Ben for the referral!!

14 whole months!!

It seems like such a long time ago that we had Finnean's first birthday and now I am needing to write the monthly update! It is amazing how fast time goes when you are having so much fun. Here are a few things that have been happening around here...
  • Talking more-there is constant noise coming from him and he is FINALLY saying Momma more!! He also says cat, dog, Jerry, Dad.
  • He is working on his sign language-he shakes his hands when he is "all done" The other night he stood up on the couch (I was sitting next to him:) and did the sign for milk-Michael got him a glass of milk and he sat and drank it all and he still does more.
  • Eating EVERYTHING-he is a growing boy!!!
  • Walking WAY faster-it is almost a run
  • He has turned into quite the ham
  • Wearing some 9 month clothes but we have started some 12 month stuff...YEAH!
  • Working on more teeth
  • Roars like a lion (I am still trying to get this on video)
  • Today he started flapping his arm like a chicken funny
  • LOVES to dance and shake his booty-he will do this when you ask him too
  • Points out animals he knows
  • Started being "Green"-if you ask him to take something to the recycling-he will do it for you and clap proudly when he puts it in the can.
  • Plays very nice with Jerry and loves him more and more each day
  • He loves to fall down and run into things and starts laughing when he does it
  • Loves sitting on his new couch! I hope to get a picture soon!
  • He is just SO silly and plays so hard

There is so much more that goes on at our house but this is just a little taste. He lights up our lives!