
Saturday, August 28, 2010

We survived...

This is Finnean eating his breakfast this morning. He was so thirsty and asked for "wader" as soon as we got up and then he wanted a "sh-nack!" He had a lot of rice chex and I think we are doing okay. He is zooming around this house as I type. We are definitely not well-rested here at the Wagler house this morning but we did get a little rest. We only had a couple attempts at throwing up last night. He just didn't have anything left-it was so sad to see him not feeling well. He did a pretty good job sleeping on his mattress without the crib, only scooted on to the floor a couple of times :) A cute conversation that I heard this early this morning...
Finnean:" Daddy-wake up!" Finnean then walked into the living room where the windows were open and it was just a little light out. "Daddy it's raining!"
Daddy: "Finnean it is not raining the sun's just not up yet. And we don't get up until the sun is up."
Finnean: walks back into the room and says: " Oh." and climbs back onto his mattress, grabs his paci and goes back to sleep.
Thank goodness!!! We are hoping to sneak a nap in this morning and hope we do not have to clean up anything else today!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Note to more green bananas!

Whew! Tonight has been an adventure!!! We were on our way to celebrate my last day at work with the Murphy's and gave Finnean a banana to keep him happy until we got our pizza...well that turned out to be a HUGE mistake. We knew the banana was green but didn't think too much of it. He ate the banana and then about 15 minutes later he threw up everywhere!!!! YUCK! He didn't seem sick at all before that and had been acting fine. So we decided to stay and eat supper and wash his car seat cover and Finnean just lounged on the couch...second big mistake of the night! He threw up on our friend's couch!! O we feel terrible-they are so wonderful they just helped us clean it up. At that point Michael had to rig up Finnean's car seat with a blanket for padding because we threw it in the wash. He threw up again on the way home and then fell asleep. Boy! what an adventure. We thought we would just put him to bed but as soon as I sat in the chair he perked up and said "Read a book?" So we read a book and decided to chance it by taking a bath. He did great and brushed his teeth. Then he wanted a drink of water...there would be our third and final mistake (well-i hope it is the final mistake) of the night. He came upstairs and was playing and talking and then here it comes again!!! So we got cleaned up and put him to bed. About an hour later he spit up enough that his sheets needed changed. So now he is sound asleep on his mattress on our bedroom floor. We think that might be easier than me sleeping in his room listening for him to throw up again. Poor little guy. Send your get well soon thoughts our way! So the lesson learned after some googling is that green bananas have way more starch in them than ripe bananas and little tummy's can't handle all that starch-leading to upset stomach which equals a lot of laundry. Lesson learned.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cute Finnean Stories

  • Finnean has been working giving "thumbs up" but it looks more like he is shooting a gun. It is pretty funny to see him try!
  • He is really starting to talk on the phone. He has the cutest way of saying "Allo" and tonight when he talked to Daddy he answered questions and walked around the room like we do when we talk on the phone. He uses just about anything to be a phone...a cheerio that he broke in half, a puzzle piece, his hand, a banana. He cracks us up!
  • At dinner the other night someone said something funny and he looked us then threw his head back and laughed-completely pretend laugh. Silly boy.
  • He is getting louder-he has a shriek that can hurt your ears. I am not sure that I enjoy that very much.
  • He loves blankets. He finds all of them in his room-night he was reading a book, had two monkeys, his dog and 6 blankets in the chair and could not be happier!
  • He is so good at finding the things he knows as we go along the road. The big thing that we are looking for are "Flags, BIG Trucks, Bikes, Hawkeyes and Sh-Clones." He can spot them anywhere and sometimes we have to look hard to see what he is talking about-it is so fun to ride in the car with him!

Big News!!!

We have big news at the Wagler House...sorry all you baby lovers out there...we are not having a baby BUT the good news is I am going to be a "almost" stay at home mom!!! I recently took a part-time job at my current work place. I will be working a couple weekends a month and a few days during the week but mostly at home with our little guy. We having been looking for a long time, for a way for me to be at home and this was a perfect opportunity that we could not pass up. It will definitely a change of pace but I couldn't be more excited. Michael and Finnean are pretty excited too!! We will keep you posted if any other big news comes our way :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fun times!

Josh, Kaitlyn and Kaia are moving away next week-so we had them over for dinner and to see them off. The kids had so much fun and we all laughed so hard at their antics. The both love to ham it up. Enjoy the pictures from our fun filled evening!
Silly kids. Kaia has the best smile and she can really get to laughing, which only made Finnean laugh it up too!

This cracks me up. They both wanted to read books but didn't want to be too close!

Big blue eyed boy.

Finnean perfecting his ice cream licking skills.

Finnean and Kaia loved running, hopping, marching and racing down the hall. They had so much fun!

Ready, set, GO!

Peek! Finnean LOVES to hide and Peek you.
Josh and Michael have been friends for so long, it is so fun to see them with the little ones. They look like proud daddy's!
We tried to get them to play together the whole night and right before the Swaims were leaving they started playing right next to each other! Sweet little kids!
I love this picture!! Happy, happy families!
Josh, Kaitlyn and Kaia-you will be missed! We are excited because their move gives us a reason to explore another side of the state!

Non Stop Fun at the State Fair!

" Bus! Bus! Bus!"
This is all we heard all the way to the State Fair grounds. Finnean loved riding the bus and then our bus got stopped by a train-so that was even cooler!! "Choo! Choo! Bus! Look!" We were afraid that the fair wouldn't be as exciting as the bus ride there but he was pretty excited when we got there as well.
Finnean and Daddy found a "BIG tractor" and took it for a spin!

Yum Yum! First mini-donut! Last year Finnean didn't get to eat any of the our favorite snacks but this year he definitely had his share of "sh-nacks!"

Finnean loved to checking out all the baby animals. He was squealing because he was so excited!

Hi Dad!

Finnean and Daddy checking out the train!

Go "Sh-clones!"
This is the Cy-Hawk trophy and Finnean loved the Iowa State booth. When we walked by the Hawkeye booth he said "Hawkeyes. Poppa. Hawkeyes. Poppa. Poppa. Poppa." He knows that Poppa likes the Hawkeyes. I asked Finnean if he liked the Hawkeyes and he said "No Hawkeyes." :)

Family picture of the day.

We got Finnean a Iowa State tattoo and he LOVED it. He kept pointing to his cyclones and thought it was pretty cool. I wasn't sure if we were going to get him to go to sleep because it was so exciting!

Mommy and Finnean

Checking out the State Patrol car!

This is one of my favs of the day. He had a good time burning off some energy!

Finnean has been working on saying Bare Root and it sounds more like "Bare Woot" and it is so cute. Of course, he loves the "sh-clones."

Finnean and Daddy casting their kerrnal.


Silly boys!

Fair Square!
Everyone was kind of judging the Fair Square and wondering why you would spend money on a rice crispy treat...but it was the perfect snack! I actually bought it for myself and of course Finnean wanted it. So I told him that he had to share with me and he took a few bites and then would hold it up in the air and say Mommy! I would take a bite and then he would say Daddy! and then he would take another bite! He did such a good job sharing.
Yes we did give him some healthy food on this date but he did have his share of sugar too :)

I LOVE this picture. We asked him..."Where is your Bare Root?" and he did this. It looks like he is very passionate about his Bare Root!!

Happy Boy! This was right before we were going home. He did such a great job at the fair and loved looking at the people and LOVED all the tractors that kept driving by. It was a great day to be out!

Love this smile.

Saturday fun!

Last Saturday we had a great day. We spent the morning running errands and made a stop at the park. It is amazing how brave Finnean is and he hated leaving the park. He cried and cried!

Then in the afternoon we hit up our first friend birthday party. Miss Kaia turned TWO last week and we had our first adventure to Chuck E. Cheese. We had a blast. As you can see Finnean took a little bit of time to warm up to the characters.

Finnean and Kaia doing a little coloring before they headed out to play games.

Michael looks a little more excited than Finnean!

The most exciting part of playing games! He got these tickets after playing Whack a mole!

He loved going down the slide. He just doesn't go very fast!


Finnean cracks me up. Silly boy-no smiles!

Peek! The kids loved playing in the toddler area. This is one of the only pictures that we could get of them "playing" together. Everytime Kaia would come up to the glass, Finnean would run away!

Happy Boy!
He looks so old here. We just got done with the party and on our way to get a POTTY!! Finnean has started telling me that there is poopy in his diaper. So we thought it would be good to get a potty chair to just start the process. The chair was soooo cool until we actually took off his diaper and sat him down on it. He cried and cried saying "Diaper! Shorts! Diaper! Shorts!" He apparently didn't want to sit on the potty-so we will just go with the flow and hopefully he will warm up to the potty soon!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A great day to pick Blueberries...

Thought you would enjoy a little of the blueberry picking! I promise...he really does know how to say Blueberries but of course he wouldn't say it on camera!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Well...we are on other adventure. On Thursday morning Michael called and let me know that he was having some chest pains and I told him to get an appointment...long story short, he went to the doctor, got an EKG and chest x-ray, spent 5 hours in the ER and then finally admitted to the hospital around 6pm on Thursday night. We got out Friday around 4:30pm. WHEW! After so many tests we found out that he has Pericarditis, which is an inflammation or viral infection of the sac of the heart. So we have been taking it easy and trying to keep Michael from doing to much. There shouldn't be any long term affects from this so that is a positive but still really scary when you are told there is something wrong around your heart. Most cases last about three weeks. Since Michael has been having chest pains since Sunday (and didn't tell me!!!) he is about a week in. Hopefully he recovers fast. Again we are completely lucky to have such amazing people around us to make sure that Finnean was taken care of! Thank you Marcia and the Murphys!!
Yesterday I took him out for a drive. He said he felt like a really old person and I was his volunteer that was getting him out of the house :) The good thing is on our drive we found some buffalo.

Finnean loved the buffalo but hated leaving them. He cried and cried!!


Ready to pick some berries!!
Finnean and I decided to give Daddy some quiet time this morning so we headed out to The Berry Patch Farm just south of Nevada. It was so fun! We got our bucket and went into rows and rows of blueberry bushes. Finnean happens to LOVE blueberries and I was so excited that he didn't try to eat them and he only picked the blue ones. There were some red/pinkish berries and we decided that they didn't need to be picked yet!

First Pick!!

Getting down and getting a good one. He kept walking around saying " more, more, more!"

He looked so little in the big rows of blueberries.

He didn't even try to squish them!

They had a little chair for people to sit and pick away-Finnean thought that was a good idea!

It was so fun to pick our own berries, in a book that we have been reading a lot (Fred and Ted) they pick berries to eat...just like us. We had ours for lunch today!