
Friday, April 15, 2011

The Courthouse, Cheese, Cows and a Horse & Bunny! We must be in Bloomfield!

Earlier this week we had the chance to go back to Bloomfield as a family. Finnean and I got to go on adventures and Michael had to work.  We drove through beautiful Southeast Iowa to go to the Dutchman's store and found many animals on the way (very exciting might I add!) The highlight for Finnean was seeing a "Horse and Bunny" or Amish horse and buggy for those of you not familiar with the area.  The Courthouse was a hit for sure as well!  We had the chance to see my Uncle Felix and Aunt Helen that were visiting from California along with Grandpa Steve. It was so fun to have them meet Finnean and catch up!  We also had the chance to see Ellie and Carter and Grandma Wagler and out to lunch with Jeff.  Made for a busy 24 hours but boy was it fun!
So serious. 
This was on the way home from breakfast with Grandpa Steve and the fam, that look is just priceless.

You can see the Courthouse outline in the background, boy does Finnean love the Courthouse!

On our way home from the Dutchman's store we stopped that the Milton Creamery (worth your time for sure!) to get some fresh cheese curds for Michael.  The had just sold out of them but we did get an informational session on how they make the cheese and even got to see a big slab of it!  Finnean that it was really neat and then helped pick out some cheese for Daddy to go with the awesome beef sticks we got him!

After nap we got to hang out with Grandma Lisa.  They are working on an Easter Egg puzzle!

After Carter got out of school we headed outside for a little play time.  He looks pretty fast here!!

Taking a cruise on the Harley.  Maybe by summer his legs will be long enough to actually pedal it!

To finish off the day we headed to Uncle Bob's for supper and ice cream of course!!!


Crazy kids!!!

Library Fun!

We go to the Library for story time every week.  Finnean loves the songs that we sing each week and he gets to learn new signs as well.  We have found that the signs help learn words.  This is him listening intently to the story!

They sing the same songs at the beginning and the end of each story time.  Finnean is an old pro at them and the last few weeks he has actually been singing and dancing along.  If you could imagine, he often just watches every move of the teacher and then does the songs at home!

After story time we had a picnic lunch to enjoy the beautiful day!  I am so thankful that I get to hang out with him so much!! 

Finnean loves watching the big trucks that go by our house and loves to tell them "HI BIG TRUCKS!"

Big Playdate!

Earlier this week Kaitlyn and Kaia stopped by our house so we invited Grady and Jace over to get in on the fun!  They had a great time playing together.  It is amazing the differences in the way little boys and girls play.  The moms of course had  a great time-love those girls!

First attempts at getting a group shot...but we are missing Grady!  Jace really liked snuggling with Finnean :)

Yes!  Everyone made it on the couch and two of them are smiling...pretty good!

SILLY!!  Kaia and Finnean did some running around before we headed out to lunch.

Goodness, they are sweet!  Finnean shared his cookie with Miss Kaia-love those smiles!

I love this face!  What a fun morning!

A beautiful day to be outside!

Big smiles from Finnean.  He loves being outside (as long as he has a hat!)

Mom and Finnean soaking up some sun!

We packed a picnic for after church and lounged in downtown.  Perfect backdrop for a picnic!

I can't get over how old he is.  He amazes each day.  Love you Finnean Michael!

Pancakes + Fire Trucks = Happy Finnean

Pancakes and chocolate milk AND sugary syrup.  AMAZING!

Too busy to smile.


Finnean loves his Daddy!

Checking out the trucks.  This was very cool until they turned on the sirens, then it was "TOO LOUD!"


We were told we could park in front of this sign...made me smile!  We have been trying to go to this pancake breakfast since we moved here.  FINALLY we got to go and it was so yummy!  We will be back next year to support the local firemen!

Serious cuteness.

He looks like a trouble maker!!

Lunchtime Fun!

What a ham! He was showing me how orange his fingers were after eating puffy Cheetos.  YUM!  They are the best with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!  He did turn the Cheetos into a phone, telescope, a funny face and a chip of course :)  Love that imagination!

Love that goofy smile. 

O no! Time for nap!

Underwear in the kitchen?

A couple weeks ago Finnean picked out some big boy undies.  I took them out of the package, only to find that Finnean found a creative place to hang them up!  All over the kitchen!

You may be wondering...does he wear big boy underwear?  Not yet.  We are hoping in June, we are just going to go for it.  We are really struggling with just going for it with a 3-day potty boot camp OR waiting until he is showing more signs of being ready.  Only time will tell.  I am sure we will be blogging of our adventure if we do go for the boot camp in June! 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Funday

The Friday before I work the weekend, we all have the day off.  Sometimes we go on big adventures, today we just stayed in our jammies until after nap time, hanging out together as a family. 
I love these Fridays!
Working on his caterpillar art with some Eric Carle inspiration!

After a while Finnean got tired of using the brush, so he gave his fingers a shot. 

After we got the paint cleaned up, we were cleaning up in the kitchen and noticed Finnean playing "guitar" to the music that we had playing .  (be sure to check out the video of his sweet skills)  He wanted Daddy to get out his guitar-so this is them jamming before lunch.

He loves to paint and get his fingers messy.  Today he did a great job asking for different colors of paint.  We have been working on identifying colors, so everything is not orange (his fav) or green!


We heart Cozmo!

24 weeks
On Wednesday we had our regular check up for Cozmo.  Michael decided to take the morning off and we heading to the Sculpture Park for a family day after the appointment.  The doctor's appointment went great!  I passed the glucose (for gestational diabetes) screen and we got to hear little Cozmo's heartbeat.  All of my questions were "normal" according to the doctor-so we are doing great!  Finnean has been very interested in Cozmo lately and him moving around.  He will say that his Cozmo is moving and shake his belly around.  We have been trying to get him to feel the real Cozmo but we haven't got it just yet.  Sometimes Finnean will put his hand on my belly and say "O! I felt it move!"  Silly boy.  We have been going through tons of names lately, trying to find the perfect one for this little person.  Cozmo has been moving around like crazy!!  It is so fun to watch my belly move and jump around.  I feel like Cozmo is really low (if that helps with your guess of a boy or a girl :)  This time around I have been craving SUGAR!  Not as much salt but anything loaded with sugar.  I can't get enough Frosted Flakes.  I have to hide them from Finnean so he doesn't eat the sugar-filled junk!  We will keep you posted on little Cozmo!!

Family Day!

One of Finnean's favorite art piece at the Sculpture Park.

He can be so serious sometimes!

Momma and Finnean

Getting ready to run down the big hill!!

Enjoying the beautiful sunny day!!
So old!!!


Silly boy!  I think that Finnean enjoys falling down just as much as running down the hill!



Working on his break dance moves!!

One of my favs from the day.

The Waglers

This just makes me smile.  Finnean was ready for pizza!!

Yum!  We tried out a new pizza place after playing hard!  Flour is definitely worth your time!

This is his new "Man, I am cute face!"

Finnean gave Flour---TWO THUMBS UP!