
Thursday, October 27, 2011

WOW! 3 months!

We cannot believe that our little Hutchinson is THREE months old!  He continues to steal our hearts.  He has started cooing and ahhing and we have had the start of a giggle!  It is about the sweetest thing ever.  He is a good sleeper at night and has slept through the night a couple of time.  Naps are hit and miss but I will take nighttime sleep anytime.  He still loves his play gym and is a champ at sitting up in your arms.  His head control is awesome.  He looks so old sitting up!  He is such a good smiler and just melts my heart.  He is wearing 1-2 diapers and will move to size 2 here shortly.  He is offically wearing 3 month cloths and does wear some 3-6 month stuff.  It is so sad to be packing up the newborn stuff :(  I am thinking consignment shop, here we come!  Hutchinson loves to watch Finnean do just about anything and Finnean still loves him lots.  It is finally starting to feel like it is normal to have two children....thank goodness!  Hutchinson hasn't had his "offical" 3 month photo shoot yet...I am waiting until he is in his little owl costume.  Here are a few pictures from the last couple days...
Seriously...have you ever seen anything so cute!?!? 
Thanks Uncle Kevin and Aunt Nancy (my aunt and uncle) for this awesome hat!

Oh! I forgot to mention he is trying his darnest to be a thumb sucker.  He is so silly because he has been fighting himself to get his thumb in his mouth when his paci is in but the thumb doesn't satisfy him as well as the paci.  He is a torn little boy :) 

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