
Thursday, March 15, 2012


Finnean has been able to spell the letter in his name for quite a while now but just last week he surprised me by writing the whole thing!  He had the F and the I down but that N kept getting him.  Last week I asked him to sign his name on the card we made for Michael and he just did it-I didn't help him at all!  Pretty cool stuff!  Way to go, Finnean Michael Wagler!  His new feat...he can spell Hutchinson's name.  It is so cute :)


Sleep is something that we are trying to get enough of here. Finnean is finally back to being a good sleeper and Hutchinson is on his way, well I hope anyway!! They are sharing a room and it is going well. Nap time is down to a science and usually both sleep anywhere from 1 1/2 -3 hours. That is good thing! Hutchinson still wakes up once (usually) at night and it doesn't seem to bother Finnean. If he does wake up, he goes potty and then right back to sleep. Speaking of pottying, Finnean is a rock star. He does such a great job wearing big boy undies and LOVES his new Spiderman ones. It is amazing what can make that little boy's day.  Now back to sleep talk.  Check out these sweet boys. 

Hutchinson officially sleeps on his belly.  He has no interest in sleeping on his back.  He has the little butt up in the air thing going and he just looks so cute.  You might notice two pacis.  We read that somewhere that you should put more in the crib, then if he wakes up he can find it on his own.  I have no idea if he actually finds the other one but it is worth a shot!  He can put himself to sleep when he goes down to bed and for naps but in the middle of the night he doesn't.  Maybe we don't let him cry long enough...who knows.  SOMEDAY he might sleep through the night :)

He doesn't wear these all the time...but he does keep them on his bed.  If it gets loud, he just puts them on!  Pretty genius if you ask me.  Please note the toy that is right by his head.  The other day during nap I found him playing a game on the camera he got for Christmas...little turkey!  You can you usually find 5 or 6 books in his bed as well.  He has about 3 little flashlights sitting by his bead too.  They are supposed to be for reading ONE book after we tuck him in :)  I am guessing that is not the case.  The positive thing is, he  doesn't scream for us from his bed anymore.  He runs to the bottom of the stairs and whispers for us, it is almost kind of creepy when he does it.  Thankfully, he changed this habit, so it does not wake up the little one. 

Goodness...they are cute!! I see little H starting to look like them in this one.  They were snuggling up and reading a few books before bed.

As you can see, Hutchinson was ready to go to bed!  He usually goes down about 7 and Finnean around 8 :) 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Warm weather + Finnean = Happy boy (and that means a happy Mom!)

What do you do when it is almost 75 degrees in March?  You play outside!  We played golf, soccer, chase (which consists of Finnean running around while I chase him), football and finished up with some sidewalk chalk.

We also looked for of Finnean's favorite things to do. 
He said..."Take a picture of that airplane!!!!"

Isn't he awesome? 
PS-Hutchy played for a little bit with us and then went down for his late afternoon nap :)

head shots.

Love his little toothy smile!  He is getting so good at sitting up and looks like such a big boy!  Speaking of being a big boy, he gained ANOTHER ten ounces over the past week.  So he is up to 15 pounds and 5 ounces!  Way to go, Hutchinson!!

Sweet boy.  He was just finishing up his lunch.  Looks so happy...and old!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday, Grandma Lisa!!

We all met in Des Moines on Sunday to celebrate Lisa's birthday.  We had a great dinner at Cosi Cocina (check it out!!) and lovely conversation.  Finnean and Carter always enjoy a visit from Aunt Maddy and Uncle Adam.  They played rounds and rounds of Thomas Uno while we waited for our food.  We surprised Lisa with gathering "60 Years of Memories" by contacting family and friends from past and present, each writing something they remembered about Lisa.  It was so fun to compile all the letters and give them to her.  It was a wonderful evening and a great way to celebrate and very special lady. 
Finnean and Carter checking out the old pictures of Grandma Lisa.

The Lincoln Wagler's and the nephews. 


We had to post this one.  Richard has always said that when Hutch gets a little bigger he will hold him.  Sure enough, Lisa went to hand him back to me and Richard took him!  Made me smile.  Hutchinson loved getting some snuggles from Poppa.  It won't be long before he is walking around saying, Where's Poppa?  Just like Finnean and Carter do.  They love their Poppa.
Sweet boy and his Momma.

hard at play.

Finnean loves to play.  He plays with trains, cars and anything with wheels.  He uses his imagination and makes up more stuff than you could ever think up.  He laughs, he runs, he jumps and dances.  I love playing with him and just watching him play.

seven month photo shoot...serious cuteness.


Just around the house...

Hutchinson has fell in love with music.  His favorite instrument would be the "pee-nano" as Finnean calls it.  He bangs away while Finnean rocks somewhere else.

Weekend project!
The big boys helped hang our new monthly calendar.  It started as a thrift store picture and is now keeping track of what we are all too all month, along with our weekly menu and To Do list.  It was a fun project that Michael and I did together.  Of course, Finnean had to get his tools to help Daddy hang it up.  He gets his tools for every project.  Even cleaning the bathroom, he gets his tools out.  I swear that our bathrooms are not that dirty that you need tools to clean them!!

Bathtime just got a whole lot crazier!!

Hutchinson seems to love hanging in the duck tubby.  This was a great baby gift from Kaia to Finnean.  He was really excited to share with Hutch!


Playing with Dad and Hutch on the floor.
The boy is always moving if he is on the floor.  He loves to kick his legs and ROLL!!

Hey, Jerry.

This picture cracks me up and makes me laugh.  He just looks so sad. 

YUM!  Fresh fruit smoothies!

Skinny boy.

Hutchinson didn't get to enjoy any of the smoothie but still had a good time just hanging out with us :)

I think he kind of looks like Michael in this one...same little smile!
The boy loves to clean. 

An early morning at our house.  George comes on at 7 and George wasn't on we watched him on the iPad.  As you can tell, Michael wasn't quite ready to get up :) 

Sweet, sleepy boy.

This past Saturday Ellie and Carter stayed at our house.  The boys got along really well (YES!!) and they loved taking a break to color. 

They loved having a sleep over!!  It was so sweet Carter let Finnean sleep with his blanket.  Finnean told Michael "that was really nice that of Carter to let me use his blanket, maybe he wants to sleep with polka dot blanket."  It was so sweet that they swapped special blankets.