
Thursday, March 15, 2012


Sleep is something that we are trying to get enough of here. Finnean is finally back to being a good sleeper and Hutchinson is on his way, well I hope anyway!! They are sharing a room and it is going well. Nap time is down to a science and usually both sleep anywhere from 1 1/2 -3 hours. That is good thing! Hutchinson still wakes up once (usually) at night and it doesn't seem to bother Finnean. If he does wake up, he goes potty and then right back to sleep. Speaking of pottying, Finnean is a rock star. He does such a great job wearing big boy undies and LOVES his new Spiderman ones. It is amazing what can make that little boy's day.  Now back to sleep talk.  Check out these sweet boys. 

Hutchinson officially sleeps on his belly.  He has no interest in sleeping on his back.  He has the little butt up in the air thing going and he just looks so cute.  You might notice two pacis.  We read that somewhere that you should put more in the crib, then if he wakes up he can find it on his own.  I have no idea if he actually finds the other one but it is worth a shot!  He can put himself to sleep when he goes down to bed and for naps but in the middle of the night he doesn't.  Maybe we don't let him cry long enough...who knows.  SOMEDAY he might sleep through the night :)

He doesn't wear these all the time...but he does keep them on his bed.  If it gets loud, he just puts them on!  Pretty genius if you ask me.  Please note the toy that is right by his head.  The other day during nap I found him playing a game on the camera he got for Christmas...little turkey!  You can you usually find 5 or 6 books in his bed as well.  He has about 3 little flashlights sitting by his bead too.  They are supposed to be for reading ONE book after we tuck him in :)  I am guessing that is not the case.  The positive thing is, he  doesn't scream for us from his bed anymore.  He runs to the bottom of the stairs and whispers for us, it is almost kind of creepy when he does it.  Thankfully, he changed this habit, so it does not wake up the little one. 

Goodness...they are cute!! I see little H starting to look like them in this one.  They were snuggling up and reading a few books before bed.

As you can see, Hutchinson was ready to go to bed!  He usually goes down about 7 and Finnean around 8 :) 

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Sooooo sweet! :)

Finnean is so smart! I can't believe he can already write his name. That's awesome!