
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I had so many things to post...we hope you enjoy the blog as much as we do keeping it up to date! Please be sure to click on the "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page-as there are even more pictures for your viewing pleasure! We have had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a pretty relaxing weekend after watching the Cyclones in their bowl game tomorrow night and game-filled New Year's Eve with some friends.
Cute Finnean Moment AKA Proud Momma Moment:
Finnean can pretend to talk to the phone. He got a Chatter Phone for Christmas and I answered the phone and said it was Finnean and Grandma wanted to talk to him. I handed him the phone and it put it up to his ear and in his tiny little voice he said something that sounded a lot like "Hello!" and then just kept gabbing into the phone! We are trying to capture it on video to share with you...he seriously just melts my heart!

Splish Splash!!!

Bath time will never be the same!

Just a quick note...if you catch what I said at the beginning of the video..."What will we do when we have two?" We are not expecting another baby...I was just wondering!! Just to clarify! :)

Finnean, Patrick and a Lollipop

Finnean had his first haircut on 12.30.09. We went to Patrick's and the Lollipop! It is this little old place that has been there forever that does it up right for little kids, Michael even got his haircut there. Patrick was great with Finnean and we got the cutest little certificate to complete the deal! I hope to get a video posted soon...
Before...looking a little unsure!

Wow...his hair is very untidy!!

Everyone gets a yummy Lollipop to suck on during the haircut! Dad had to help but Finnean loved it. He had a bubblegum flavored dum-dum!

Look at that long hair!!!

Patrick said this is the first chair they had in the shop. It has had been repaired many times because so many haircuts have been given in it!!

Big mo-hawk....

Little mo-hawk!


Checking himself out!

Where's my Lollipop!!

Getting buzzed up at the end. Finnean wasn't even scared of the buzzy thing! It was the blo-dryer that scared him!

AHH! That's scary!!

All done! Looking so BIG!!! Finnean did a great job!!!

The back view---a perfect cut!
I was more emotional about getting his hair cut than I was about him turning one! How silly is that! I know it is only hair but I knew it would take away that little baby look. He is now OFFICALLY a big boy!!!

Just a few more photos from our Bloomfield trip!

Getting ready to go home and getting a few more minutes of playing in before we headed back to Ankeny!

Relaxing in Poppa Richard's big chair!

Grandma Lisa reading Finnean a bedtime story about the state of Iowa, he got this book for Christmas! Thanks Grandma Lisa and Poppa Richard!

The Waglers-2009

Looking Sharp....

Finnean was well rested after a big nap, we got dressed and headed over to Nathan and Nikki's for dinner with the Thordarson side. It was great to catch up and here are a few photos from our time there...

This is Finnean pretending to talk on the "phone" AKA night vision goggles!

Christmas Morning!

Finnean finding his presents from Santa and his stuff stocking!!!

Dad helping Finnean get open his Santa presents. He didn't want to put the horse down!

We all got 2 cyclone candy canes in our stockings. Finnean LOVED holding on to them while he opened his presents!

Finnean's new sled made the perfect seat for unwrapping presents!!

Finnean really loved the photo frames filled with pictures from his family from Aunt Maddy and Uncle Adam...thanks! He loves to look at them now that we are home!!

Finnean making sure that Dad is getting all of the twistys un-twisted!!! Echo the dog (Finnean's favorite friend) is supervising as well!!

Getting sleepy...after all that yummy breakfast and opening presents, Mr. Finnean went down for a big nap before our next Christmas celebration at Nathan and Nikki's!

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we always open presents from Aunt Vicki and Uncle Randy (Grandma Lisa's sister and brother in law) and then the little kids go to bed and all of the big kids play games. We had so much fun playing games and just hanging out!
Finnean working hard to open Aunt Vicki and Uncle Randy's (who live in Minnesota and now loves Brett Farve) was VIKINGS stocking hat! YUCK! We are still trying to decide what to do with it ;) He won't put it on without crying...hopefully we will get a picture of that soon! He also got super cute pjs-thanks Vicki and Randy!!

This is Finnean opening up his new Christmas pjs from Momma and Dad. We started a tradition last year that Finnean will get pjs on Christmas Eve to wear to bed that night!

Santa is a scary guy when you are really close!

On December 18th Finnean and Grady went on another adventure. They went to see Santa!!! Grady did a great job and let Santa read the book but Mr. Finnean was not to happy to have Momma leave his side....

...So we ditched Santa and against my will we went and played in the play area at the mall. Finnean LOVED it but Momma was a bit sick thinking about all the germs around. Finnean and Grady loved going down the slides and peeking around corners.

Finnean LOVED being the conductor of the train and peeked out at all the people in the play area!

Mr. Grady climbing up the stairs!
After playing hard we headed back to check out Santa's chair withOUT Santa in it. The boys looked so little in that big old chair!!

I think Grady is stealing his Cheerios back from Finnean. This is the only way we could get them to sit still...they were hungry after all that playing!!

They look so little!!!!

All the boys-it was impossible to get a shot with all of them looking at the same time!!


We had a great day at the mall with the Blanchards and are so blessed to have a couple with a little guy-just like us!!! Thanks for the fun!!!

Too cute not to post...

Finnean got a GIANT 6 foot caterpillar in the mail from Uncle Kevin and Aunt Nancy and I ran downstairs to get the camera and I found him in the box! He was so excited that he climbed in himself! What a turkey! Thanks Uncle Kev and Aunt Nancy!!!

This picture shows off all the teeth that he has! We haven't seen anymore poking though but they came in-in spurts the last time! We will see!!! The monkey is also from the same Aunt and Uncle (they only spoil him a little bit!) but it came in the mail and he would not let us touch it. This was the first thing is was really possessive of!

Snow Day!!!

A couple weeks ago we had a blizzard (December 8,9,10) in the Des Moines Metro. We had a blast hanging inside and staying in our pjs all day. Momma, Dad and Finnean all got to stay home from work and school! Here are a few pictures from our adventures!

Finnean found this box lid and turned it into a hat all by himself. He put it on and just wore it around the house!
Searching for toys under the ottoman.

Dad explaining how the oven heats up to bake the cookies that we made. Finnean LOVES peanut butter cookies!!! Finnean even help put them on the pan!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Fun!

We have had a wonderful few days here in Bloomfield-We have been here since Tuesday and then decided to stay here today to make sure the roads are clear. I have added a video of a few of the things we have been up to since we came home. Finnean has turned into quite the walker and you can really hear him talking. He is all over the place and is getting faster everyday! The video has a little bit of Christmas and then some snow-time fun! We hope you enjoy the video as much as we did creating the memories!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa is COMING!

We have spent the last few days in Bloomfield. It has been nice to just relax and not have to worry about much. All of the shopping is done and even wrapped! The cookies have been baked and are extra yummy(not by me of course!!). Finnean has been busy following cousin Carter around and watching his every move.

We had Christmas with Grandpa Steve yesterday and now off to Great-Grandpas in a bit. We will open presents and play, play, play at Grandma and Poppa Wagler's tonight before waking up in the morning...after a visit from SANTA!!! The house is filled with excitement from the little kids. We will continue to celebrate with family and friends until Saturday.

Finnean decided that he wanted to start walking this past Saturday and has been walking all over. It is just about one of the cutest things we have seen and we think it is a pretty good gift. He walks across the kitchen falls down and gets right back up! That is the newest excitement in our house today.

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas and enjoy the laughter that fills your house! I know we are soaking it up! Ho! Ho! Ho!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!

I have been behind this month posting all of the fun pictures and updating of what has been going on at the Wagler household. I did my best to catch you up with tons of pictures and the new adventures! Please keep scrolling and check the older posts. Enjoy!
This is Finnean's attempt at feeding himself yogurt (his new fav food) and it just cracked us up. He has to learn on his own and didn't seem to mind the mess!

What a big boy! Finnean got his rocker jammies for his birthday and that make him look so old!!!

Lounging with Dad after his birthday party!

This picture melts my heart! Finnean loves to look at the ornaments on the Christmas tree. He does a really good job of not touching it but just looking. This was taking one morning when he thought it was extra neat! I wish we had his face on camera the first time he saw the tree all lit up! He was so amazed!! We decorated while he was asleep and he woke up to a Christmas-y house!!!

December 2nd!

On Finnean's actual birthday, I took the day off and we just got to hang out! It was so fun just being together with nothing to do! Here are some of the pictures from our fun filled day!
Those eyes just get me!!

Finnean and all of his balloons!

He looks so old!!

Celebrating his birthday with his favorite furry friend, JERRY!

Big BOY!!

He looks like quite the turkey here!

This is Finnean peeking me underneath his lego table!