
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa is COMING!

We have spent the last few days in Bloomfield. It has been nice to just relax and not have to worry about much. All of the shopping is done and even wrapped! The cookies have been baked and are extra yummy(not by me of course!!). Finnean has been busy following cousin Carter around and watching his every move.

We had Christmas with Grandpa Steve yesterday and now off to Great-Grandpas in a bit. We will open presents and play, play, play at Grandma and Poppa Wagler's tonight before waking up in the morning...after a visit from SANTA!!! The house is filled with excitement from the little kids. We will continue to celebrate with family and friends until Saturday.

Finnean decided that he wanted to start walking this past Saturday and has been walking all over. It is just about one of the cutest things we have seen and we think it is a pretty good gift. He walks across the kitchen falls down and gets right back up! That is the newest excitement in our house today.

We wish everyone a very merry Christmas and enjoy the laughter that fills your house! I know we are soaking it up! Ho! Ho! Ho!!!

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