On December 18th Finnean and Grady went on another adventure. They went to see Santa!!! Grady did a great job and let Santa read the book but Mr. Finnean was not to happy to have Momma leave his side....
...So we ditched Santa and against my will we went and played in the play area at the mall. Finnean LOVED it but Momma was a bit sick thinking about all the germs around. Finnean and Grady loved going down the slides and peeking around corners.
I think Grady is stealing his Cheerios back from Finnean. This is the only way we could get them to sit still...they were hungry after all that playing!!
After playing hard we headed back to check out Santa's chair withOUT Santa in it. The boys looked so little in that big old chair!!
All the boys-it was impossible to get a shot with all of them looking at the same time!!
We had a great day at the mall with the Blanchards and are so blessed to have a couple with a little guy-just like us!!! Thanks for the fun!!!
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