
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back to work

Two if my favorite things...Finnean's toes and Jerry dog!
Jerry continues to do great with Finnean and loves smelling him and Finnean loves to watch him. I think they make a pretty good pair!

Finnean has started to find his feet. He always has his feet in the air and looking at them. He will be grabbing them before we know it!

Finnean loves to look at the fan in the living room. He has really started to hold up his head on his own, which make his cheeks look even bigger!!!

Sleeping in the big boy crib!! He continues to do great sleeping in it at night but we are still struggling on taking naps in the crib-we will get it, it just might take some time!


Well-I survived going back to work. Leaving was the hardest part and then I should not have called to see how he was doing BUT I made it and until 4 pm. I was pretty proud of myself. We have just been snuggling up and Finnean has been so smiley. I am sure that it was a nice change of pace to see someone besides me . Marcia said that Finnean didn't sleep the best but he did eat for her and I am sure that it is just an adjustment! But the first day is done-
thank goodness!!

My co-workers are wonderful and some girl friends ("all of the married ladies") from work got together and made jewelry, chatted and kept my mind off of having to go back on Monday---THANK YOU Kelcee and Ashlyn!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fun Fun Fun

It is a tough book! 2.16.09

"I hope that my momma doesn't kill the plant my Aunt Maddy and Uncle Adam grew for me!"
Finnean can shake! shake! shake! 2.16.09

Mom and Finnean 2.22.09

Dad and Finnean 2.22.09

laugh kookabear laugh...

Finnean is just starting to laugh-he just cracks us up! Crazy enough-he is laughing away even though he just got done screaming. After he finished his giggle session we went to put him in the bath and he had pooped. Maybe he knew why he was laughing and we had no idea.

we love weekends!

Well it is the last few days before I go back to work. Marsha came and watched Finnean on Friday and he seems to love her---so that is great and makes me feel better about going back on Friday. We just spent the weekend together as a family and just kind of hung out and it was great! Finnean slept in his room and in his crib for the first time last night. We had a rough start but then he slept until four (has been sleeping until 4:30-5) so we thought that was pretty good. Tonight he went right down to sleep! So hopefully that transition continues to go well. We almost made it all the way through church---all the way to the last song before he started to fuss!! That was the first time and it was nice for both Michael and I to get to enjoy it-hope next week goes as well! That is about all our weekend was made up of---but nice and relaxing!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 play dates in 1 day!!

Finnean's friend Sam came over to play today. Sam's mom, Abby, works at House of Mercy with me. Sam is two and has the world at his fingertips, exploring everything in site. I found out quickly that we are not 2 year old proofed yet...but we will be ready. Sam is so smart and is such a cutie. He showed Finnean all about being two!
It was so fun!

"So that is how you sit up...I can do that...maybe!"
Kaia Swaim came over today with her mommy, Kaitlyn. It was so neat to watch Kaia explore Finnean and he just watched her. She is 6 months and is almost crawling! It is so neat to see what Finnean will be doing in such a short time!! Kaitlyn also gave me some pointers on how to make our own baby food. I am definitely going to get it a go when he starts eating solids...which is only a little over a month away!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

2 month pictures and update!

Finnean had his first photo shoot that wasn't in our living room! He was kind of grumpy but we got some great pictures!! It is so much fun to capture all of his different faces. Be sure to check out Julie's website at . She does a great job and it is so affordable! She did all of the enhancements that you see and really puts the pictures together nicely!
Finnean celebrated his first Valentine's Day snuggling with Mommy and Dad. We had a great weekend just relaxing. Finnean has really started to hold on to his rattles and shake them around. He also is swatting at toys and grabbing our hands. He is developing each day---it is amazing to watch.
Enjoy the pictures!!


so sweet!

sleepy cheeks!!

he looks a bit mischievous!


More pictures...

So serious.

this was towards the end...he was so tired!


Finnean and Mommy's new necklace!

O so sleepy!!

even more pictures!

Ready for the football season to start!

A happy Cyclone fan?!

So sad!

One of my fav pictures. He was getting so tired!

Naked bear!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Fun!

Fun with family 2.8.09

A walk a Grey's Lake 2.7.09

First of many trips to the Art Center 2.7.09

All bundled up to go for a walk with Mommy-but then started crying because he was too hot---he is always too hot!! 2.5.09

Funny face!! 2.5.09

Nice weather= Fun weekend

Finnean had his first experience analyzing art this weekend at the Des Moines Art Center. Grant Wood's "American Gothic" is being featured so we went to check it out. Finnean didn't really like it but he did like some of his other pieces. He really liked Thomas Hart Benton-it was amazing to watch his little eyes scan the pieces like he was really taking it all in. Then we hit Grey's Lake for a brisk walk. He is getting much better at being in the stroller and seems to enjoy being out and about-as far as we can tell!! We are getting much better at being out and about too!!

Then we had a visit from Uncle Adam and Aunt Maddy from Lincoln. They brought him a cool jade plant to grow along with him! We hope to get a picture posted soon---and will continue to post as they both grow. It was nice to visit with Grandma Lisa and Aunt Ellie and cousin Carter.

I go back to work at the end of the month so I just continue to soak in all the time with Finnean before heading back :( I am not looking forward to that day-but moms do it all the time---keep me in your thoughts at the end of the month!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


first band-aid

after bath time 2.2.09-2 months old

again...all clean!!

Hanging out with daddy...GO STATE! 1.30.09

I will fight, fight, fight for Iowa State...
Play time...1.19.09

smiles and coos and shots O MY!

Finnean has started smiling a lot more now and is especially smiley in the mornings! I wish that I was as smiley as his is in the morning! Yesterday was Finnean's two month birthday! It is so hard to believe! He has really started talking more and has a conversation with you!

We went for the big two month check up and his is growing just fine and got his first set of shots! He did great-only cried for a minute or so but that look just about breaks your heart when he gets his sad face. We have noticed a lot more emotion out of him-he is just turning into quite the little person! I love watching his personality develop each day.

He is sleeping great! He goes down around 8:30 each night and sleeps until at least two a.m. BUT sometimes it is three or four when he gets up-he eats and then goes back down for a couple more hours. He likes taking naps in the morning and usually naps about an hour and a half after he eats. He loves to play now---so that keeps us busy...

Motherhood is calling...or maybe that is just Finnean crying...until next time...