
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Two soap stories...

#1. Baby soap has to be the most amazing smell in the world. Michael is gone so I got to snuggle Finnean up all to myself tonight. We hate when he is gone but take advantage of snuggletime! After Finnean's bath he was so sleepy. After putting jammies on and drinking his milk, he just snuggled me up. I got to smell that sweet goodness of a innocent little boy who continues to grow up so big each day. I can remember when he was teeny, tiny and smelled the same way at the hospital. Now he is too big to hold like a baby and prefers to look out at his room and pat his little head. He plays with your fingers and pats his belly to make you laugh. It makes me smile just thinking about it...What a perfect end to the day!!!

#2. Not quite as mushy of a story. On Sunday night I was giving Finnean a bath and I dropped his soap on the floor. Didn't think any thing of it and put back on the side of the tub and went about our business. Michael went down a couple hours later to get the bathroom trash and found, what he thought was water but no. It was a WHOLE bottle of baby soap leaked all over the floor. Not the small little kind, we bought the biggest one they had. Do you know how hard it is to clean up liquid soap?!?! It is a sticky least the bathroom smells good!

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