
Monday, August 1, 2011

On The Day You Were Born

I thought a slide show would be easier than posting 100's of pictures.  It does take a few minutes to watch but captures the first day in the life of little Hutchinson. 

The following is the story of the birth our second born.  I wanted to "write" it all down on here to make sure that Hutchinson knows how he entered the world and so we can remember it down the road as well.  We hope at some point to compile the blog entries into some sort of book. 
Here it goes...

On Tuesday, July 26th we woke up early to get ready for our new arrival.  We had to call the hospital at 5:30 AM to see if could come in at 6:30 to be induced.  They said to come in at 7:30.  That was the first feeling of nervousness that we were really having a baby TODAY!  About a half hour later, the hospital called and said to come in now.  Our friend Matt came to stay with Finnean for the day before Grandma Lisa would take over for the next few days.  We got to the hospital and right away got to our room.  There was lots of questions to be answered and we were admitted by 7:15 AM.  While answering the admission questions I mentioned that my mom had died last year and it affected me at times.  Our nurse says "my mom died July, 1st of last year."  I instantly started crying.  What are the chances that our nurse's mother died on the very same day that mine did.  The power of God is truly amazing.  It has obviously been on my mind that my mom would not be here for the birth of our second child and then it was out there.  That emotion could be released.  The nurse said it perfectly, "everyone thinks we should be all healed up and we are not."  Then she gave me a huge hug and that set the scene for one of the most wonderful days of my life. 

Around 8:15 or so our favorite doctor, who happened to be on call that day, came to break my water in hopes that would send me into labor. I continued to be at 3+ when we got there.   Dr. Fagerland has such a calm vibe about him-it was perfect for our delivery.  After a little monitoring, Michael and I headed out to walk the halls for a bit.  It didn't do much except make my back really hurt.  I came back and took a hot shower to relax and that made the contractions increase a little but still not where they needed to be.  The nurse said we should get the pitocin (the same hormone that your body makes to have contractions) going since I was kind of on the fence of getting started on my own.  My body responded to it very quickly and the contractions became regular and building in strength.  I asked for some pain meds to take off the edge and then nurse checked me again and I was at a 6.  She said that we needed to get the epidural if we wanted it and I said get him in there!  I was progressing quickly so we wanted to get it taken care of.  So before we knew it...I was completely relaxed and she sent Michael to get some lunch because we were going to have a baby and didn't need him to pass out!  She checked me again about 20 minutes later and then said "we are going to have a baby!!"  So she calls Michael and tells him that he needs to get up here quickly.  I can only imagine his thoughts as he is running from the not-very-close cafeteria!  So after a little bit of "laboring down" which really means me laying there and letting the baby move down, she asked me to get ready to have a baby.  Before we knew it, we heard the nurse calling for extra nurses because she was going to deliver a baby.  The doctor was not in there!!  She is continuing to call for him and then we hear one of the nurses say "Dr. Fagerland is running across the parking lot-he will be here!"  Sure enough a few minutes later he swoops in and says we are going to have a baby.  Three pushes and about 3 minutes later we had a beautiful baby boy, Hutchinson Reyes Wagler.  The doctor gave Hutch a fist bump on the way out, the same thing he did to Finnean at every doctor's appointment as we left.  A great memory for both Michael and me.

The whole experience was so zen and amazing.  I would not change any of it one bit.  It was great to spend time with Michael and just connect.  We had some time after Hutch was born to be together and then had our first visitors.  It is a wonderful feeling to have so many people love us and our little Hutchinson.  We feel extremely blessed. 


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He's a doll! Enjoy having 2 for each arm! :)

Lori said...

Sounds like things are going great!!!