
Friday, August 26, 2011

YUM! Fresh picked berries!

Yesterday we headed to The Berry Patch to pick our own blueberries.  When we got there we found out blackberries were in season so we started there.  We had to walk a little ways but it was worth it.  It was like Finnean was finding treasure!  Hutchinson did great in the Moby and I accomplished my take both boys to do something fun by myself! 
First pick!

He really got in there and LOVED finding BIG, HUGE blackberries!

We didn't know that blackberries were red before they turned.  We made sure not to pick them if they were red!


Finnean looks so old here.  He had to walk the whole way since I was carrying Hutchinson in the Moby wrap.  He did great and found most of the blackberries on his own.

Filling up...

After the blackberries we headed to the blueberry bushes.  They were right at the end of the season so not as plump as the blackberries but it was just as fun to hunt for some.  We hope to make blueberry muffins tomorrow!


I love this picture.  I can't ever get him to take pictures with me-I think this picture captures how much fun we had together!

Lunchtime!!  He had four handfuls for lunch...he loves them!

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