
Friday, April 27, 2012

Nine months...really?!

Yesterday our little baby turned nine months old!! It is insane how quickly the time has gone and it is insane how much fun we are having. This update will be to the point and hopefully without too many errors (typing on the iPad is tough...our computer took a dive, again, so no pictures to document the cuteness!!) anyway...back to what H is up too...loves his much and wants to scoot around after him all the time. Hutch is getting closer to crawling for real instead of just inch worming around. He loves to laugh, clap, read, play, roll, go for walks, be outside, listen to me sing(Finn-not so much), FaceTime with grandma and poppa, play with his daddy. He is starting to eat more solids. Cottage cheese, toast and yogurt are new things we have added recently. He started pulling up to his knees in his crib a little and is getting stronger! His main goal in life is to get Jerry dog's food and water bowl. I think he spend most of his day trying to get to it...I just keep redirecting him and Finnean will shout..."he is getting it again!!!" pretty cute. He is sleeping until 4,5, or 6ish every night. He night he slept til 630!! It might not be the best thing, we probably need to be nursing to keep my milk up. We go to the doc on Monday, hopefully he is still gaining!! He is still nursing, but could really care less. He drinks enough to get his belly warm and then is done, which drags down my supply...hope we can make it three more months!!! He is having fun at the Y child care when I go to workout...I am going to try and keep it up as we are getting into that stranger anxiety stuff and I want him to do well when I am not around and to keep working out of course!! He really doesn't fuss about much. If you tke something for him, that gets him fired up the most. Each night and at nap he cries a bit, but we want him to go to sleep on his own and he does a pretty good job. He can pretty easily talk Michael into taking a nap in the chair with him though!! He is wearing size 3 diapers still and just moved into 9 month clothes. He still just has the two teeth but I think the top ones are working down:) he has the biggest how his mouth is always open. We think he is catching on to the sign for "all done". He wiggles his little wrists when we say that is neat he is starting to communicate more. He gains new sounds all the time. He learns something new and all day you hear day it is something new. He is a joy and brings so much fun energy to our house!! We love you, little Hutchinson Wagler!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog thru Lori Bish's and just wanted to tell you I purchased some of your jewelry from Vintage Chic! Love it! Your pieces really are great.

Your boys are also adoreable!
Sheri Sprouse