
Friday, April 13, 2012

We love being outside!!

There were a couple weeks in March that everyone but Michael had nasty colds.  It all started by taking the boys to the play place at the mall (I was told it is called the Pink Eye Pit...absolutely!) Finnean got sick, got a sinus infection, it plugged his tear ducts, making his eyes look like they had snot in them (gross, I know!) then little Hutchy got it and then I got it, paired with a few nasty headaches...we were not much fun!!! On Michael's Friday off, he took the boys out on an adventure and I slept.  It was amazing and I am STILL so thankful for that "day off!"  He got some cute pictures of Finnean on their adventure!  Thankfully we are all FINALLY healthy!!  Whooo! 


Loving the big pedestrian bridge and the noisy water.

We met up with Kelcee and Matt for a picnic later that weekend at Colby Park.  Hutchinson loved hanging with Kelcee while Finnean...

...ran all over the park with Michael and Matt chasing after him.

The night was absolutely perfect.  Like 72 degrees with no wind, perfect.  It was we headed to our favorite place...the Sculpture Park.  It is fun to see it at different times during the day.

Finnean loves the Nomad.

WAY up high!

I love this picture.  It just shows how happy he really is when he is running around exploring the art.

On top of the world.


This is my favorite picture of the night.  Just love this little boy and so excited for Hutchinson to be able to run around and explore with us!

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