
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


7:39 am Tuesday morning-Michael calls to tell me this o so cute story. and if he calls right after he drops him know it had to have been pretty cute!

Michael: I just dropped off Finnean at daycare. He got out of his car seat, waved bye-bye and walked over to "his" spot at the picnic table and said "pancake". Miss Kim said we had pancakes yesterday do you want a waffle? Finnean said "pancake".

He knows what he wants! So tonight I fulfilled his wish and we had pancakes for supper. He had two and not to mention all of the batter he ate. I am trying to get him involved in cooking his meals-so he was helping me "stir" which turned into him eating the batter saying "pancake!" Not sure how he eats it but it must taste good to him. He also had two strawberries, a yogurt and some milk (which he totally knows the sign for!!) I am not sure where he puts all that food and only weighs 20 lbs. He also learned the sign for "hot" tonight and was saying it as he signed it. It is amazing how quick he picks up things.

We eat peanut butter on our pancakes...what do you put on yours?


Lori said...

plain butter and syrup, I think that is why my boys like them so well!

Nikki said...

We like to put cut up bananas in ours while they are cooking. We also put peanut butter on them with syrup. We have also made then with nuts, chocolate chips or peanut butter chips...the kids seem to like the banana ones the best!