
Saturday, May 29, 2010

what?!?! 18 months

O my goodness. We have a little boy that is closer to the age of two than to the age of one! Here is a brief update of our big boy's new skills...AKA my chance to brag him up!!
  • Finnean loves animals and has really started learning what they say. His favorite is probably a dog but can now say what the following animals say: cat, lion, bear, tiger (all the same really), pig, cow (a close second fav), horse, sheep (my fav) and is working on an owl sound!
  • His little vocab has just exploded over the past few weeks. He can repeat pretty much anything you say and has lots of his own words. What we hear a lot: More, MINE!, please, thank you, dog, Jerry (his fav thing in the world...more on that later), Mommy, Dad, up, help please, cat, bear, toothbrush, shirt, shooooooes, socks, hat, truck, ball...there are so many more but these come to mind and it just melts my heart when I hear that tiny little voice.
  • We still teach him a few signs to help him learn the words. He picks up on the right away and uses them along with his words.
  • Finnean LOVES Jerry. We come upstairs from daycare..."Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!" That is all we hear until he is distracted by a truck! We left Jerry with Travis for the week and a half we were in Bloomfield and Finnean was looking in the bathroom, under the sink, in rooms saying...Jerrrry, Jerrrry. He missed his little furry friend!
  • He is FAST! Finnean is quick and has really perfected turning on a dime and loves to run!
  • Finnean loves to climb. He recently found that he could use the handle from the drawer on our oven to climb up to see the top of the stove. Not a good find if you ask me!!!!
  • As we have mentioned on the blog he loves trucks, balls, and any sports. He has so much fun playing hard.
  • Tonight he took every pot, pan, lid, cupcake pan out of our cupboard and then got in to look out at the mess. Hope we can get a picture up soon!
  • He loves to give high fives and fist bumps. If he starts giving them out he must give one to each person in the room!
  • The boy can DANCE! Michael puts music on a lot and Finnean will "snap" his fingers and start busting a move. He loves music and is getting good at strumming the guitar.
  • He laughs and laughs and laughs. If he falls down (most of the time) he laughs, he makes himself laugh which cracks us up and most of all he loves to make us laugh.

I am sure that he is doing all kinds of neat things that I forgot write about but I do know for sure that he is a one cute and sweet little boy. He has us wrapped around his little chubby fingers (he has put on some weight!) and we just have so much fun together. Everyday is an adventure. More independence is coming our way but he is still pretty mild mannered. Still a good sleeper and has turned into quite the eater. Fruit is his fav at this point. Hope you enjoyed a the update and hope to get some more pictures posted soon.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Glad to hear of the update and glad to hear he is putting on weight!!! Keep enjoying!!!