
Monday, July 11, 2011

38 weeks and counting

Have I mentioned that we are ready to meet our little person?!?!  Well...we are.  I am trying to be patient and know that he or she needs to stay in there and cook...but goodness!!  I want to know if I get to buy pink and ruffle butts or stick with the cute little blue outfits.  Either way I am excited---I just want to know!!  Last week at our appointment everyone checked out great and the heartbeat was at 155 beats per minute and I was dilated to almost a 3.  Unfortunately you can be at a 3 for quite some time so I am  trying not to get my hopes up for this week.  I would be completely fine with anytime. My feet and hands are staying swollen but not too bad.  I feel very achy and just hurt.  I also feel like I only have one pair of pants that fit and three tank tops-so that has become my uniform lately.  Other than that-I am trying not to complain.  Michael said that I am not miserable to be around-so I took that as a compliment!  We are trying to have fun and relax until our little lives are turned upside down by this awesome little person!  I have heard that a change in barometric pressure induces labor...apparently Wednesday is supposed to bring in some low pressure and storms---so let's do it!!  We will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys! I just have a feeling that little Cozmo is a girl. I bet you go soon! Ahhh, I can't wait! Make sure you let me know ASAP what you had!!

~Jessica Friend

Lori said...

Glad you are very excited, we are excited too! Hope all is going well with everyone!