
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3 weeks old!

We went to the doctor for Hutchinson's 3 week check up yesterday.  He is doing great and growing big!  He is now 9 pounds and 12 ounces and grew 1/4 of an inch in 3 weeks! Doc said that he is growing right on track and looks healthy.  He is in the 75% for height and weight-something big bro never hit! :) We have been having some struggles at night (up all night, not wanting to nurse) and I was explaining this and then he told me the symptoms of GE Reflux...almost all of which Hutch has.  He arches his back while he screams, doesn't want to sleep in his bed, won't nurse, looks like he is in pain.  This information came as a great relief, as knowing what is going on means we can help the little guy!  So we elevated the head of his little bed, make sure we sit him up after we feed him and I have eliminated chocolate, garlic and caffeine from my diet.  The garlic will be the hardest to give up...but if we can get some sleep I will do it!  We also got a prescription for Zantac.  Once we can get that filled we might give it a shot as well.  We just want this little guy to make sure he gets his milk and gets his rest to grow strong.  Last night gave us some hope...the little guy slept for four hours with his new set up!! Whooo!!  I am also so thankful for Michael.  He has helped so much in the middle of the night, even when he has to go to work.  We have been doing the switch, I take a shift then he does.  It works for both of us to get a little sleep.  Thank goodness we both got much more sleep last night!  Last night I was cleaning up around the house and then Michael came upstairs and said "Why are Finnean's clothes in the trash?" I had no idea what he was talking about...but apparently I accidentally threw away his clothes rather than putting them in the dirty laundry...whoops!!  I guess I was really tired. 

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Hey Courtney,

Sorry the little one might have reflux! They thought Dresden had it at that age too. After a few different meds, he saw a specialist and they said it wasn't reflux at all. I don't want to scare you, but watch closely with zantac. When Dres was on it, he was really lethargic the whole time and when I took him to the doc about it they said it was due to the alcohol content and not to give it to him anymore. Hope little Hutch starts feeling better and eats/sleeps well for you!