
Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Half Birthday, Hutchinson!

Hutchinson turned six months on the 26th. 
Hutchinson is...smiley, funny and happy.  He loves to watch his brother do just about anything.  He is becoming a pro at sitting up (with a few pillows around him for now) and rolling back and forth.  He is becoming a pretty good napper(two 2-hour naps with a little one squeezed in somewhere).  Good sleeper at night...not so much.  We have been struggling to get him to sleep through the night...hopefully soon!  He loves to snuggle and gets excited when you get out books to read.  His little arms and legs kick all over, it is pretty sweet.  He LOVES to play peek-a-boo and looks for you when you are "hiding."  He has moved into his big boy crib in the same room as Finnean.  Besides him not sleeping through the night it has not been too terrible.  They are both doing pretty good with the transition.  Sweet potatoes, apples and bananas are his fav.  Carrots and avocado, not so much.  He is getting so good at keeping the food IN his mouth and is sure to let you know if you are not spooning it fast enough :)  He loves the bath!  Loves it even more when Finnean is in the tub too (he is like built in entertainment!).  Hutchinson has relaxed in the car seat, thank goodness.  He is a pretty easy going guy for the most part.  He doesn't mind when new people hold him.  He DOES mind when I walk away and forget to tell him where I am going!  He seems to be thinning out a bit but isn't losing any of his cute cheeks!  He seems long, can't wait to see how much he has grown.  His hair is growing in and he is getting a second tooth (on the bottom, in the front) and has to be getting some others.  We think that this is the reasoning behind the not sleeping through the night but who really knows!!  He likes anything that lights up or makes music and is getting pretty good at drumming along to brother's guitar playing.  Hutch has started "talking" more and has perfect timing to answer questions that we ask him :)  He went to the YMCA child care (first time at any daycare place) for an hour the other day, Michael couldn't believe it!  He has started to refuse the bottle from Michael when I am gone, little turkey.  We are still breastfeeding, hoping for 6 more months!  When he is tired, under his eyes get red.  He has had his first stuffy, yucky nose and we are hoping for that to pass soon!   He is wearing size 2 diapers and 6 or 6/9 month clothes.  Mainly 3/6 month booty just like Finnean.  Yes, we do call him Hutch but we also call him Hutchinson or Hutchy or Hutchy baby or H or the little one.  I get this question more than I could ever imagine.  We have stayed close to home this month and have enjoyed that.  I can't tell you enough how much Hutchinson loves to play with Finnean and how much Finnean loves to play with him.  Finnean has just started to want to hold him, which is always a good laugh.  Life is good and it will just keep getting better when we all start getting some sleep!!!  We can't believe that Hutchinson has been here for SIX MONTHS!
PS...more pictures to come of his six month photo shoot(s)!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Caught up!! feels good to be fully up-to-date!  As always, keep scrolling and clicking older posts and leave us a comment!  I love to hear what you think (well, I think anyway:) and what your favorite pictures are or if one of the pictures reminds you of a story.  Tell me about it! 

All play and no work.

Have I mentioned how much I love being able to stay home with these beautiful boys?  There are trying days and days that I think I am going out of my mind but most days, most times are fun and full of laughter, learning and being together.  I recently read an article (that I will attach) that explains how life as a mom seems to be.  It is full of moments, crazy ones and crazy good ones.  I am just thankful that I get to be apart of all of them.  This is what play looks like at our house, this week anyway.
Little H doing some exploring in the exersaucer.  He amazes me how much control he has and how his little face lights up when he makes the music play on it!

Meet Stegosaurus. 
Please note his "plates" -Finnean informed me that is what the spikes are call on a stegosaurus.
If you look closely you can see tiny eyes, nose and a mouth.  The big ball on the right side is a leg...I guess they have big feet!!

Mr. Shark.

My little sculptor!

He even cleans up after himself....well, kind of!!!  He tried!

Hutchinson also found a love of bouncing!! This little contraption lets him bounce up and down, he thinks it is awesome!  He really loves when you bounce up and down and make faces at him!  Finnean is a pro at this!
Thanks Stephanie for letting us borrow it!  Grady and Jace loved to bounce!

Finnean is playing with "cloud dough."  It is 4 cups flour and 1/2 cup baby oil.  It is still soft but moldable like sand.  He played in it for two and half hours.  If we would not have made him wash up for dinner, he probably would have still been playing in it!!  He raced cars, built a mountain, made a nest...the ideas were endless.  He LOVED it and it was so easy!!
(I wish I would of thought of this great idea, but I have Pinterest for that!)
He told me they were getting ready to race!!

What does Hutchy do while brother makes messes?  Lounge on the floor, talks to us, smiles and coos, fusses to see what is going on, naps, reads books, plays in the play gym, watches Jerry, snuggles Mom etc. etc. etc.
Check out this boys mouth.  You can see the front tooth that has popped through, now look to the left (our left) of it, on the side of his mouth.  There is a BIG white thing, trying to pop through and that is what we think is causing us to not get any sleep at night!! Poor little guy and there is another bulge on the other side :( 

Here is that article I was telling about...

Carter turns SIX!

Last weekend, Ellie, Carter and Grandma Lisa came up to Des Moines and we got to hang out with them for the afternoon to celebrate cousin Carter turning six!!  It is hard to believe he is that old! Happy Birthday, Carter!
Love this one of Grandma and Hutchinson.  Especially love H's little belly hanging out. 

So serious.  I guess you have to be if you wear cardigans :)

LOVE this picture of little H and Grandma. 
Doesn't she just look so happy.
I think so :)

We went out to lunch and bowling to celebrate Carter's sixth birthday.  Finnean, of course, thought it was a little too loud and a bit scary to bowl.  Thankfully he was only scared for one frame and then he couldn't wait for his turn!!
Watch out, Finn!  That shark is going to get you :)
Sorry if you don't think my jokes are funny, but I do blog late into the night.  Getting a bit sleepy!!

Finnean would carry his ball all the way to the front of the lane.  They had little helpers that he could roll it off of.  It was pretty awesome!  We will definitely be bowling again!

Sculpture night!

Love this picture of Finnean running (can you find him?) and the DM skyline.  So pretty and so thankful we live in the metro!

Just a cool picture that Michael took!

Love, Love, LOVE!
This is really what you should do when you are in the Nomad.  It is awesome when you are an adult, I can't imagine how cool it is to look up at all the letters a three year old.  Thanks, Finnean Wagler, for letting us see the world through your eyes!

Around the house...

This shows off his cute little tongue sucking that he does.  Makes his little lips look so pouty.

I know this picture is so similar but I had to post.  We are totally in love.  His eyes and cheeks are just perfect!!

He is pretty perfect too.  Love that smile, oh and the picture can't even start to capture his personality.  Sweet, sassy, lovey and did I mention the sass? :)

Finnean LOVES to play with Hutchinson.

Finnean got a sweet hat from Vicki and Randy for Christmas...perfect for all the cooking/baking he does!

We call this SUPER BABY!! 
Finnean loves when I "fly" Hutchinson after his bath. 
This is just plain awesome.  Finnean likes to get Jerry going (he plays along, against his will really).  They run back and forth down the hall, Jerry barking and Finnean laughing hysterically!  Hutch just watches them whoosh by!


We thought Hutchy might be a thumb sucker but turns out he just likes to chew on his thumbs.  Feels good on those teeth that are trying to pop through!  Man, I wish they would just come on in!!  Poor guy:(

First time in the exersaucer!  Hutchinson LOVED "working" and had a lot of fun exploring all the new toys.  It is nice to have another place to set him down (so he doesn't get run over by the big one)!

Last week we went OUTSIDE!  Yes, outside.  The weather has been amazing.  The boys were wearing sweaters or sweatshirts!  60!!!  I just love this one of Hutchinson.  He is always craning his neck to see what you are up too!
(Please note the warm weather is is 9 degrees as I type :)
I know there is a sun spot on this one but I just love his little expression.  Sweet, sweet boy.

This is what our house looks like most nights.  Usually about half way through dinner Finnean says, "After I eat a good dinner, we should play a game...that be okay?"  Well, most night he doesn't eat a good dinner but we do usually play a game.  Michael FINALLY won Candyland just the other night.  He gets so close to Candy Castle and then somehow always gets sent back to the beginning.  Finnean almost always wins-we are just not sure how!  He even plays by the rules.  The other go-to game at our house, Hi-Ho Cherrio (I always lose, my basket is always spilling!!!).  It is so fun that Finnean can play games and it is a great way to spend our evenings.  Hutchinson loves to watch and take it in, then gets fussy towards the end, he is just too tired!

Finnean ready to catch a pass! 
He looks like he is deep in thought.  I wonder what almost 6 month olds think about? 
Milk? How much their teeth or almost teeth hurt?  What in the heck that small person that is always in my face is up too?  What is that furry thing that walks around here?  Milk? 
What do you think?

Friday, January 20, 2012

O man, winter is finally here...

...Hutchinson looks none to impressed with the arrival of the chilly temps, but he still looks pretty darn cute!

Happy New Year!

We rang in the New Year at Kelcee and Matt's.  Ashlyn and Adam were visiting and Kelcee's bro and his girlfriend joined as well.  The evening was fun and full of laughter.  The Murphy's out did themselves with awesome food.  They had appetizers come out all night long, chicken wings and Matt's mom's recipes of Gyzo?? (potstickers) that came out around 10 pm...awesome!!!  It was a great, low-key evening!  We are so thankful that our friends love our boys, so they could join too! 
Ashlyn and Adam were visiting from Madison and got in some snuggles from little Hutchinson!

We spent most of the evening playing Celebrity, you must check it out! So fun!!  It worked perfect because Finnean thought he was playing too! 

Then Finnean "Just Danced" a bit before heading up to bed!  YES!  He went to sleep at the Murphy's, there were a few requests but he did!

Then, about five minutes before midnight, Finnean started he rang in the New Year with us!!  This is the ball dropping, he thought it was funny!
As you can see, he was very tired but still pretty cute!  Thankfully he went back to sleep when we got home and so did Hutch!


...the boy loves football.
At this point in the day, he had fashioned the Halloween bucket into a helmet, had a coozie as a tee and was kicking field goals!! 

Finnean goes ice skating!!

We took advantage of one of the warm winter days earlier in January and took Finnean ice skating for the first time.  He was a little worried at first and then got the hang of it!  Abby and Cory were so nice and snuggled Hutchy up for us!  We ended our Finnean date with a trip to The Waveland Cafe (you must go there!!) for...pancakes.  We all ordered pancakes and man were they tasty!!  What else would you eat with on a date with a three year old!!
All smiles because didn't even fall down!

After Finnean got the hang of it, the boys would go around, come and sit down then Finnean would say.  "Let's go again!!"


Michael and Finnean developed their own style.  Kind of looks like two person speed skating!
Michael's back was killing him but Finnean was happy!  He would do anything for that little boy!

Getting ready to go on the ice for the first time ever!!!

Ice dancing with Mom.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas 2011

We headed to Bloomfield for a few days to celebrate Christmas with our families.  We hung out at Grandma and Poppa's, visited with Jeff and played at Grandpa Stevie's.  It was a good trip without any memorable hiccups!  We had a great time playing games, eating and visiting.  Boy were we tired when we got home!  Santa even found the boys at our house!  Finnean thought it was pretty awesome to get a stocking filled here too!!
Finnean is ready to head to Bloomfield!
He loves to read and wanted to read The Polar Express on the way home.
Doesn't he look old?!

Carter is learning to he thought he would share a story with Grandma, Hutchy and Finnean.

Jerry dog!

Aunt Ellie loves to snuggle with Hutchinson :)
HA!  Love this picture of Finnean, silly boy!

Hutchinson, o how we love you!

We headed out to Grandpa Stevie's and of course he got Finnean a super cool race track!!  It even "whoop-d-whoops!"  Finnean loves playing with Grandpa Stevie!  He also got Finnean a Spiderman fishing pole.  Finnean can't WAIT to go fishing this Spring!

Hutchinson getting some snuggles with Daddy.

Love him in this sweater.  Sweet, sleepy boy.
Hutchinson loves snuggling with his Grandma Lisa!  They were trying out her new rocking chair!

Adam and Maddy brought fun reindeer ears...of course Hutchy had to try them on :)

Hutchinson looking big after Christmas Eve service.  He did great and only made one little peep.  Finnean also did great and sat by Maddy and Adam.  He looked SO old sitting with them and even walked ran all the way back to Grandma and Poppa's house! 

Boys with aunts.

Seriously, Finnean.  Love that silly face!

Hmmmm....I wonder where he gets it????
I loved how his Christmas outfit made him look so round and rolly.  Sweet, little man!

Giving Aunt Maddy some giggles :)

Grandma makes some yummy treats for us to enjoy.  There was a lot of laughing, snacking and game playing!

Christmas jammies!! Finnean got a matching pair!

Each Christmas Eve we open a few presents.  The boys always open one that "happens" to have PJs in it :)
Richard got something that had A LOT of bubble wrap which meant instant fun!!  Looks like Finnean is attacking Carter with it...that couldn't be, right?

Obviously, writing Santa a note is very serious work!!  After this, Finnean, Michael and Carter went outside to put the reindeer food out for the visitors that would be coming that night!   It was great because the recipe for the reindeer food tells you all the things to do and then the last thing says "Come inside and go straight to bed!"  Finnean walked in the door from outside and said...I am going to straight to bed and headed upstairs!  Hopefully it is always that easy to get him to go to sleep on Christmas Eve!

Santa came!!!  This is Finnean checking the tag to see who it was for!

Love, love, love this picture of my boys. 
Finnean was so excited to see what Santa brought Hutchinson!
(Sophie the Giraffe)
What is it?!?!

Santa brought Finnean his very own guitar!! Just like Daddy's.  He was so excited and loves to play with Michael.  Christmas day he just sat around strumming, so serious.

Hutch:  Carter, did you know that you have something funny on your head??

Aunt Vicki and Uncle Randy sent this adorable hat for Hutchinson!  Doesn't he look sweet?!

Finnean LOVES his camera that Aunt Ellie and Carter got for him!  He takes pictures ALL the time!

Hutchinson's first bite of fruit, bananas!

Adam and Maddy

Getting a few snuggles in from Hutchinson on Christmas night.

Pretty sure that this picture sums it up.  We were all exhausted!!!!