
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Around the house...

This shows off his cute little tongue sucking that he does.  Makes his little lips look so pouty.

I know this picture is so similar but I had to post.  We are totally in love.  His eyes and cheeks are just perfect!!

He is pretty perfect too.  Love that smile, oh and the picture can't even start to capture his personality.  Sweet, sassy, lovey and did I mention the sass? :)

Finnean LOVES to play with Hutchinson.

Finnean got a sweet hat from Vicki and Randy for Christmas...perfect for all the cooking/baking he does!

We call this SUPER BABY!! 
Finnean loves when I "fly" Hutchinson after his bath. 
This is just plain awesome.  Finnean likes to get Jerry going (he plays along, against his will really).  They run back and forth down the hall, Jerry barking and Finnean laughing hysterically!  Hutch just watches them whoosh by!


We thought Hutchy might be a thumb sucker but turns out he just likes to chew on his thumbs.  Feels good on those teeth that are trying to pop through!  Man, I wish they would just come on in!!  Poor guy:(

First time in the exersaucer!  Hutchinson LOVED "working" and had a lot of fun exploring all the new toys.  It is nice to have another place to set him down (so he doesn't get run over by the big one)!

Last week we went OUTSIDE!  Yes, outside.  The weather has been amazing.  The boys were wearing sweaters or sweatshirts!  60!!!  I just love this one of Hutchinson.  He is always craning his neck to see what you are up too!
(Please note the warm weather is is 9 degrees as I type :)
I know there is a sun spot on this one but I just love his little expression.  Sweet, sweet boy.

This is what our house looks like most nights.  Usually about half way through dinner Finnean says, "After I eat a good dinner, we should play a game...that be okay?"  Well, most night he doesn't eat a good dinner but we do usually play a game.  Michael FINALLY won Candyland just the other night.  He gets so close to Candy Castle and then somehow always gets sent back to the beginning.  Finnean almost always wins-we are just not sure how!  He even plays by the rules.  The other go-to game at our house, Hi-Ho Cherrio (I always lose, my basket is always spilling!!!).  It is so fun that Finnean can play games and it is a great way to spend our evenings.  Hutchinson loves to watch and take it in, then gets fussy towards the end, he is just too tired!

Finnean ready to catch a pass! 
He looks like he is deep in thought.  I wonder what almost 6 month olds think about? 
Milk? How much their teeth or almost teeth hurt?  What in the heck that small person that is always in my face is up too?  What is that furry thing that walks around here?  Milk? 
What do you think?

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