
Saturday, January 21, 2012

All play and no work.

Have I mentioned how much I love being able to stay home with these beautiful boys?  There are trying days and days that I think I am going out of my mind but most days, most times are fun and full of laughter, learning and being together.  I recently read an article (that I will attach) that explains how life as a mom seems to be.  It is full of moments, crazy ones and crazy good ones.  I am just thankful that I get to be apart of all of them.  This is what play looks like at our house, this week anyway.
Little H doing some exploring in the exersaucer.  He amazes me how much control he has and how his little face lights up when he makes the music play on it!

Meet Stegosaurus. 
Please note his "plates" -Finnean informed me that is what the spikes are call on a stegosaurus.
If you look closely you can see tiny eyes, nose and a mouth.  The big ball on the right side is a leg...I guess they have big feet!!

Mr. Shark.

My little sculptor!

He even cleans up after himself....well, kind of!!!  He tried!

Hutchinson also found a love of bouncing!! This little contraption lets him bounce up and down, he thinks it is awesome!  He really loves when you bounce up and down and make faces at him!  Finnean is a pro at this!
Thanks Stephanie for letting us borrow it!  Grady and Jace loved to bounce!

Finnean is playing with "cloud dough."  It is 4 cups flour and 1/2 cup baby oil.  It is still soft but moldable like sand.  He played in it for two and half hours.  If we would not have made him wash up for dinner, he probably would have still been playing in it!!  He raced cars, built a mountain, made a nest...the ideas were endless.  He LOVED it and it was so easy!!
(I wish I would of thought of this great idea, but I have Pinterest for that!)
He told me they were getting ready to race!!

What does Hutchy do while brother makes messes?  Lounge on the floor, talks to us, smiles and coos, fusses to see what is going on, naps, reads books, plays in the play gym, watches Jerry, snuggles Mom etc. etc. etc.
Check out this boys mouth.  You can see the front tooth that has popped through, now look to the left (our left) of it, on the side of his mouth.  There is a BIG white thing, trying to pop through and that is what we think is causing us to not get any sleep at night!! Poor little guy and there is another bulge on the other side :( 

Here is that article I was telling about...


Chelsie said...

What a neat idea, will have to try it!

Tonya said...

I went to the store this weekend and remembered your "cloud dough" and COMPLETELY forgot what you said you made it with. I was going to text you, but my phone was about to die. We made cupcakes instead. :)

You've got such great pictures of your boys as always. Can't believe little Hutch has to put up with the big time teething already. Hope he takes it well :(