
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nine month photo shoot (okay...9 1/2 months)

So I have struggled to get a photo shoot in of this little nine month old but we got it taken care of.  It doesn't matter if he is 9 1/2 months old...he is still ridiculously cute!  He has continued to get stronger and pulling up on a few things here and there.  We noticed tonight that he has a top tooth poking through!  I also forgot to mention the best Mother's Day gift ever...Hutchinson started waving at people and saying "HI!!!" while we were at the park.  It was so cute and pretty darn funny! Enjoy this sweet boy and his pictures!
Love that happy smile. 

Punk rock Hutch.
It was super windy this day and he was showing off his scrunchy face!


Hutchinson loves to sit on his knees and bounce around.  If there is music he really gets going...he loves to dance!
Love the curiosity on his face!

So big!!

I have no idea what the issue was but love this expression!

Hey Dad!

Scrunchy face for the grass crawling!  He would go kind of slow and very slowly put his hand in it, but he crawled all around:)

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