
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nature walking.

Today was beautiful, like crazy beautiful.  Finnean had the idea to go look for some nature after rest time, (he rests, Hutchinson still naps!) so we headed out to a newly found trail that is really pretty and not far from our house.  The boys  were off and exploring the instant their tiny shoes hit the pavement.
We stopped to check out some bugs.  There were a ton of box elder bugs and a similar red bug that they boys thought were pretty darn cool.  As you can see, they were REALLY into checking them out.
We of course had to collect some nature while we were out there...Finnean took to a stick collection.  He found a Y shaped stick and a lower case R stick.  Pretty cool...letters are everyone when are you really learning about them!
The sticks became our instruments.  They made a cool sound when Finnean hit them together and then Hutchinson joined in.  I wish you could have heard the giggles that were going on, not to mention Hutchinson's cute dance moves.
Hutchinson REALLY wanted to get close to this little bug.
The little bug moved a little too fast and surprised him...I LOVE the expression on his face and his clenched little fists.  He was squealing in delight and a little bit of fear too. :)
Happy boy.
Hutchinson focused his collection on leaves.  I had to carry them all for him and it turned out to be quite the pretty bouquet.  He loved finding the "baby" ones and when he found a new color he would yell it out, pick it up and run it over to me.  I love watching him learn, right there in front of me.
They loved walking along the side of the path because that is where the leaves had collected from the bikes whizzing by.  They crunched under their little feet as they marched along, hoping to see a bunny or some sort of wildlife.  We only saw a few cats, maybe next time we will see a bunny or two.

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