
Friday, October 11, 2013

Soaking them up...

This little boy just kills me.  I love everything about him but especially his messy hair and his grumpy faces.
You can't forget his dreamy eyes and cute little toothy smile.
Both boys are infatuated with Bare Root.  They love to help and usually want to help a little to much! :)  The weather has been A-MA-ZING here and we" needed" to be outside and I needed to work, so I just moved my office right outside!  It was great, even with my little helpers tiny hands helping me.
We went to the fire station for their open house on Wednesday night.  Hutchinson kept saying "fireman truck" and we would ask if he wanted to go see it and he would shake his head yes.  When we got up to the trucks he didn't want to go close to it.  Finally, we found one that had it's light on and he walked right up to it and all he said was "whoa."  He was mesmerized!
I could hardly believe my eyes when he laid down like this.  He just makes my heart burst with love and happiness.  He looks so dreamy here.  I had a flash forward (is that a thing?) of him laying in the grass with his college sweetheart, working on homework on the campus of his choice.  Can' t you just see him...probably won't be doing any studying but looking all googley eyed his date!
So Hutchinson is into screaming before he falls asleep at naptime.  Thankfully the time that he does it has decreased but on this particular day he just did NOT want to give it up.  He cried and cried and then finally fell asleep like this!
I just love this shot.  No one in my family would get up on the log to stand on it to get this picture.  I had to really talk Finnean into it but I am so glad he did it!  I just can't get enough of him or those Iowa sunsets. 
Sooooo...if you run into the trash can with the back of the car, your tail light will get busted up.  Note to self.
On Tuesday night we headed down to the Blanchard's for a little bit of crazy fun!  The boys had fun running and playing and man is it crazy with 5 boys under five!

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