
Monday, August 17, 2009

Crawling and Teeth Update...

Finnean can crawl EVERYWHERE and he goes fast!!! We have just been adjusting to have a more active baby and he could not be cuter as he crawls around! Finnean is also cutting his two top front teeth (not as cute). Yesterday he was pretty fussy and running a low temp and it just hasn't gone away. He just has not been himself, but before we know it he will really be able to chew some food!! The other new thing he does is blow air out his nose and wrinkle it up while he is doing it. We are trying to capture it one video because he looks so funny!. He can really get going, sounds like he is trying to blow his little nose! That's what is new at our house...more to come I am sure!!!


Eric said...

Quite the cuite, that Finnean. Hope he is feeling a bit better soon.

Now, now as football season starts, no cheating: Let him pick the team he wants...put the 32 helmets out an have him crawl to one. Go Redskins.

Cassie Larcade said...

Go Finn Go! Hope the teething gets better.