
Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Real Play Date!

Finnean went to the Blanchard's for the last couple of Wednesday night's-for his first real play dates without Mommy or Daddy. He did great and loved playing with his friend "Gra-dy." Here are a few of the pictures that Stephanie took.
So cute!!

Again a difference in the little personalities... Stephanie said that Finnean was very polite and shook his head yes when he wanted more and Grady enjoyed swinging his bowl around. :)

Headed to the park!!

What a big boy!! Grady showed Finnean how to go down the big slide and they said he loved it!

Double slide means double the fun AND that you don't have to take turns!

He looks so old!!

So happy!!

Whew!! Hot boys from playing hard!

Silly boy!

O Stephanie you are so brave!
She gave the boys a "tubby" and it was all going well until they dumped water on Finnean's head and he freaked out!! They said he finally calmed down and then he started talking!! They said he didn't say a peep until after the tubby!
Thanks Blanchard's for a great couple of play dates!

This picture was supposed to be all smiling and happy but it is hard to get a 4 1/2 year old and and almost two year old smiling at the same time, at one point they were all smiling very nicely. Carter was being goofy and Finnean had a mouth full of food! I think Michael was just trying be patient.
Ellie and Carter stopped and had dinner with us tonight after a day of fun in Des Moines. Finnean has been missing Carter. When we told Finnean we would see Grandma and Poppa earlier this week he said "Carter?!" Thinking that Carter would be there too...then today when we told Finnean that Carter was coming over and he said "Poppa?!" thinking that Poppa was coming too. I think he thinks that all of his family should travel together!
New Finnean word: "Noo-te." He means NO but somehow he started putting a T on the end of it! It do not like when he says Noo-te but dang he is cute when he says it!

Go Mustangs!

The Davis County High School Baseball Team made it to the semi-finals of the State Baseball Tournament. We knew it was going to be a late night for Finnean but decided to take him on Thursday. It was great because Grandma and Poppa met us there! Unfortunately after starting 45 minutes late and going in to extra innings...we didn't get home until 11:30 and they lost! It was exciting but exhausting!!

Cory, Abby and Finnean watching the boys warm up. They all look very serious :)

Having a sh-nack during the game.

I just love his little profile.

Grandma, Mommy, Finnean and Poppa all sharing some popcorn and enjoying the exciting game!

YUM! The bag was almost bigger than him!

After a while Finnean decided to "clean" the seats that we were sitting in. He definitely gets that from his Daddy!

Meet Taylor!

We had a crazy surprise on Monday of this last week. I decided to stay home with Finnean to keep up the baking soda bath regimen (the diaper rash is pretty much clear now!) and about 10 am that day we got a call from a good friend that lives in Oregon that he was in town with his family! It worked out perfect and we got to spend an hour or so with them. Taylor is the sweet little guy in the pictures...let me tell you...if they lived here you would see a lot of this family on our blog. It was a wonderful surprise and so great to finally meet our friend Eric's baby boy and his future wife! We hope to see them again soon.
Danielle and Taylor
Finnean LOVED Eric, Danielle and Taylor-he warmed right up to them without hesitation...which is very unusual for him! We had a great time!

" Do you want to shake, shake, shake?"

You wanna be friends?

Finnean is not usually a rough houser but loved being tossed around and tickled by Eric.

Big boys!!

The boys.
It is hard to believe that Michael and Eric met long ago in Savannah and now both have beautiful baby boys. What a great surprise to see them!


Sunday Fun!

Waiting for awesome BBQ...

We tried a new BBQ place on Sunday and you should check it out!!! It is called Uncle Wendell's and it is on Ingersoll in Des Moines. So yummy and the people were great. Finnean approved.

After BBQ we headed to the Art Center for Art Inside Out. It was a great outdoor event that had games, free warm cookies and live music. It was a lot of fun and we will definitely be back next year!

This was a ball game that Finnean didn't know how to play so he just threw the balls. He made his own game!

So happy!

Dad traced Finnean a cool paper hat and then Finnean got to color it!


Working on a Finnean Original.

Cookie Face.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Finnean the Tour Guide

On Sunday my Uncle Kevin and Grandpa came to Des Moines to check out our house and to go to lunch. After a great lunch we decided we should burn off some calories and walk around the Sculpture Park. Finnean did a great job of showing the art to his family! Check out some new art pictures!
Finnean has been rocking his new "eyes." He loves my "eyes" so we got him a new pair to protect those beautiful baby blues!
One of his favorite words.

I love this picture because it looks like he is running so fast! He loved being in the art and really loved the shadows!

Uncle Kevin, Grandpa Delbert, Daddy and Finnean

Getting close to nap time!!

He looks so big. It is hard to believe that he is getting closer to being TWO!!!
One of my favorite quotes of the day...
"Everyday is an adventure, you just never know what life has in store for you. When I woke up this morning, I never thought I would be walking around downtown Des Moines looking at art and having a really good smoothie drink. And now I know a good place to get some coffee if I am in Des Moines."
-Grandpa Delbert
You are so right Grandpa, you just never know what life has in store for you. We have been taking advantage of all the adventures that we go on together!

A few random pictures...

This is Finnean working on his "forksmanship."
He does such a good job eating like a big boy!
We have all been pretty worn out lately...this was our hint that Finnean was ready for bed. He got a blanket, laid down and started playing with his hair. Sleepy boy!

Michael went down to get Finnean out of his crib after nap on a Sunday afternoon and found this!! Apparently Finnean had been up for a little bit and decided tear every paper towel off a whole roll of paper towels and then decided to take a bite out of the roll. The paper towels were sitting next to his crib but I am not sure how he got them IN the crib!!

Little turkey!!

Finnean decided not to wait for us to prepare the rhubarb from our CSA and just took a big bite out of it! He didn't make a face(very tart!) but decided not to eat it and turned it into a bat!

Finnean has been battling a nasty diaper rash for the past two days and got home from daycare today and he was hurting. He could barely walk without crying, so we did a warm bath with baking soda(he wouldn't even sit down because it hurt!!), let him run around naked for an hour (I am amazed at how many times a little boy goes pee in an hour-I just walked around him with a paper towel and bleach spray-thankfully he stayed on the linoleum for the most part!) and then we slathered on Destin and put a diaper back on because he started to cry after he would pee on the floor. I am not sure if he felt bad or what!! So after all that he decided that he had enough and got on the couch to just relax. He just laid and played with his hair until supper. Thankfully he ate a good supper and then played hard for while. It was nice to see his little smile back! Then we took another bath and he was able to play in the tubbie for a while, did another layer of Destin and has been asleep since! We are hoping that it will look a lot better in the morning. I was reminded how much you will do for your little baby if they aren't feeling good and just how it tugs at your heart when they are sad!