
Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Finnean update...

It is hard to believe that Finnean is 19 months old. He continues to amaze us and I think he gets cuter everyday and smarter too. Here are a few of the things that he has been up too...
  • Finnean is working on sharing. Not fun when you are a little over 19 months old. Some of his favorite words are NO! and MINE! A challenge but we knew it was coming.
  • He still LOVES Jerrrry. He loves to get him "ice cubes" and let him have one. He is very good at giving nice touches but Jerrrry is not a fan when Finnean throws toys at him.
  • He continues to gain so many words each day. He is just a little chatter box. He has loves to go "nigh-night" and loves to drink "whader" (water). He loves to eat "Schnacks" Snacks are probably his favorite part of the day. It is so cute how he says it! I know there are TONS of words he says...I just need to start writing them down to tell you about them!
  • Finnean has started squealing. Whew-it can be very loud and thankfully he doesn't do it very often.
  • He can RUN!! He gets his little arms a moving and picks up some speed! He can turn on a dime. It is amazing how quickly he can change directions.
  • Finnean has also turned into a wild man. He runs around, falls down, and just laughs and laughs. He dives on the floor, rolls around---anything to get some attention.
  • He still loves sports. He has really been liking "soccer!" We were rolling a ball today and he put it on the ground said "soccer" and kicked the ball.
  • He loves to read. He has started reading books to himself and can identify so many pictures. He amazes us on what he picks up.
  • He has a new love of hamburgers. He likes to put ketchup, mustard, guacamole, cheese on them...whatever as long as it has a bun, I think that is his favorite part.
  • Finnean has started putting two words together. "Mommy help" or "Daddy up" are some of the favs.
  • As you could see below---he loves to dance!!!
  • He has been working on puzzles and if he is in the mood-he really goes to town.
  • Trucks, balls and dogs are really all he needs. We do not go anywhere without at least one.
  • He is still on the smaller size but wears 18 month shirts and 12 month shorts still need to be rolled! He is wearing a size 4 shoe but I think we are getting close to a 5. He is still in size 4 diapers. We think he has been gaining some weight! He sure does eat a lot!

I know there is so much more that he does, says, and funny happenings that happen to us...stay tuned for more.

1 comment:

Tonya! said...

I can't believe he is starting to put words together! What a smart little man! I'm super sad about Dresden growing up so fast, but all the updates on your blog telling what Finnean is learning makes me look forward to it too :)