
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cute Finnean Stories

  • Michael was hooking Finnean into the car seat this morning and Finnean kept saying "I stuck! I stuck" We kept telling him no you are not stuck you are in buckled in and safe. All the way to the interstate I heard... "I stuck! I stuck! I stuck!" I said "Finnean you are not stuck you are safe!" He said..." I stuck Mommy!" He finally gave it up and read to me all the way to daycare.
  • Michael called tonight and Finnean said "Daddy!" "Wuv you!" Talk about melt your heart!
  • We went grocery shopping on Sunday night. Everything was going well but we were getting a little restless, as we were waiting on the meat counter to get all of the meat ready (we got a meat bundle-check it out at Hy-Vee!) SO Finnean and I decided to let Michael have the cart and burn off some energy. We went to the fruit section and started smelling every fruit. I would say that is a orange, Finnean would say orange and wrinkle up his nose and "smell" it. This went on for as many fruits there are in the fruit section and all was well until he took a huge bite out of peach! What do you do!! First of all it is NOT clean and I don't want to take home a peach with a big bite out of I probably did the wrong thing...but we just left it there. :) Opps! So we get done smelling fruit and it is time to go outside to wait for Daddy. I let Finnean know what the plan was but he wasn't game. He wanted to find Daddy. SO he continues to scream "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Kicking and screaming-it looks like I am stealing this child from his Daddy at the grocery store. He is still screaming outside. Finally we go back in and find Michael...luckily he wasn't too far behind us...boy was I embarrassed!
  • Michael has every other Friday off and gets to spend the day with Finnean. He said last Friday they had a great morning at the zoo with Josh and Kaia, met me for lunch and then came back to take a nap. For some reason Michael takes his shorts off of him to take a nap. I am not sure he will do that anymore. When he went to check on him towards the end of the nap...there he was bare bottom in the air! Somehow he took off his diaper at some point during his nap! Luckily no "accidents!" What a turkey!
  • We turned Finnean's car seat around in the car so now he faces forward. He thinks this is so cool. Now he really shouts at the trucks that go by and is telling us about what he sees. He can also see us so I hear all the time... "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy!" and he says it so fast it cracks me up every time. I say "what Finnean?" and then he precedes to tell me whatever cool thing he is reading or that he sees. I love that little boy!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I am glad to see you are having some of those lovely embarrassing moments! They are so embarrassing at the time, but later very funny, so therefore they must be funny to the other people around!!