
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Paci Update...

WHOOO!!! We are making great progress!!  Nighttime is not the issue he is doing great without fussing or giving us any grief.  Naptime is a little harder...which is harder on me :)  I believe on Monday I sent a text to Michael that went something along the lines of "Please, please stop and buy a paci on your way home from home.  He can have it until he is 16."  Needless to say, that was a moment of weakness...we will both make it, our naps are just getting cut short and that is hard on the pregnant, highly-emotional Mom!  Today he was back to a two hour nap...which is perfect!  I am so thankful for that!

Today he was helping me fold towels and he loves to lay on them fresh out of the dryer and he said he was going night-night but he needed his paci.  I said you don't have a paci remember and he said "O there it is!!"  He found a tiny wash cloth and put it up to his cheek and said..."there's my paci!"  What a silly boy-he obviously has not forgotten about it!

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