
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Little Hutchinson.

We thought that Finnean was small and barely hanging on the growth chart, but it turns out Hutchinson has him beat.  He is at 1% for weight, even with those big old cheeks!  Really, you might ask? Sure enough, 13 lbs and 15 ounces will get you that low.  He actually LOST weight since his last check in December.  That is enough to send this Momma into worry mode.  Our doctor was not overly concerned but it definitely is something that should not be happening.  SO we started mixing his cereal with formula instead of water and started feeding him more often.  He would go 3-4 hours without fussing, so we went with that.  So, that most likely lowered my milk supply and when we went to check out much milk he is actually taking in, he only got about 2.5 ounces.  That is not enough for the little guy to grow.  So we started Operation Calorie Boost and Operation Pump-a-thon.  We are trying to get him as much milk as we can and then I pump, pump, pump, and pump some more.  Whew, it is exhausting.   I am also eating a lot of oats, which everyone is reaping the benefits of that, because we have been making oatmeal cookies!  Also, taking a supplement called Fenugreek and drinking "Mother's Tea."  Seems like a lot but goodness I am willing to try anything to get that milk boosted.  I am not anti-formula by any means (we gave Finnean formula for 4 months) but I just really want to be able to give Hutchinson a year's worth of milk.  Not only the health benefits but the cost!!!  So we are giving it our best shot and will check his weight on Monday to see how much he has grown (hopefully)!!  Thankfully, Mercy, has great Lactation consultants and they have been a great support during this time.  My friends and family have been an awesome support and great encouaragers during this too!   Finnean is even on board!  Each time I start to pump, he says, "You gotta pump, Mom?" I say yes and he says "COOL!"  He is very encouraging and helps entertain Hutchinson while I am getting the job done.  He gets so excited when I put milk into the freezer.  It is pretty cute! 

Other than not gaining weight, Hutchinson checked out great at the doctor.  He is right on track for all of his developmental skills and did great with his shots.  He is 26 1/2 inches long now!  It must be all of that rolling around that he does.  The boy LOVES to roll.  He goes from one side of the room to the other.  He even scooted forward two night ago!!  He has started to really scream, not like he is hurt, just mad that he can't move.  He also yells, squeals, and squeaks when he is excited!  He talks more and more everyday!  He is such a happy baby, that is why it was so hard to know that he wasn't getting enough milk!! Crazy, little guy.  Hopefully I will be posting next week about how much he has gained!

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