
Friday, February 3, 2012

Oh, Finnean.

Just a few little things about Finnean...
  1. We often say O my! or Geez Louise! or O-my-lanta! as terms of surprise/excitement.  Finnean turned all into one big word, "O-my-geez-o-lanta!"  Says it all the time.
  2. He has declared that if something is broken I cannot fix it, "Dad can fix it later."
  3. If something doesn't work, "It needs new batteries, Dad can get those."
  4. He has taken a liking to Guns and Roses, specifically the song "Sweet Child of Mine."  I think it is because of the rocking guitars that are in the song.  He always says "that is me playing guitar"  when I try to sing, he says "No, Daddy sings, you are the shaker."  SO I am like the back up dancer girl?!?! What?  Where does he get this stuff.  Only if a girl is singing, he lets me sing, otherwise it is Daddy.  Even Hutchinson gets to be a drummer and I am the "shaker!"
So needless to say we need to be working on that girls can do things that boys can do too!  It is weird because in our house, Michael does a lot of things that only "girls" do but I clearly don't fix enough things around here to let him know that.  Maybe I will start. :)  We just can't get enough of the things he says.  We need to have a pen and paper with us all the time to catch everything. 

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

I had to laugh that Finnean only lets you sing if a girl is singing. That's how Kaia is with Josh!! If he tries to sing a song with a girl lead Kaia tells him "that's a girl can't sing that." He's only allowed to sing "boy songs".