
Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun Times with Finnean

Finnean and Kaia playing hard in the pools. On Memorial Day we turned the front yard into a our own little water park for the holiday. Finnean wasn't quite sure of the pools until Kaia got there and then decided he would get in! They splashed and splashed!

Little Guy!
He is so short that his little board shorts go down to the middle of his calves. I am a little worried about sun damage to his soft little skin so with the extra long shorts and his rash guard SPF 50 shirt he doesn't have a whole lot of skin exposed AND lots of sunscreen!

Finnean and Kaia looking cute as ever!

Splash, Splash, Splash!!!


All that swimming wore out the kids.
They came inside and snacked on some fresh fruit and they could not have been cuter.

Finnean found out that he could take out all of our pots and pans to get IN the cupboard. Our pans are kind of heavy and he would grunt when he tried to move them around.

A badger!!
Finnean, Dad and I made a stop at the Science Center last week.

We hoped to get on the Channel 13 news but Finnean was not to sure of Ed Wilson.

Deep in thought.

Of course he refused to smile. BUT still pretty sweet.

Momma and Finnean

We had our first really big head bonk tonight. He smashed his head on the corner of the wall and of course I gasped and made him cry even more :(

Big Boy with a Big Bonk.
(check out the right side of his little forehead!)

My silly boys!

Finnean and his best bud Jerrrry.

Finnean was giving Jerrrrry lots of hugs tonight and then decided to check his tags and make sure he was all up to date!

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