
Thursday, June 17, 2010

random pictures!

Finnean loves to help cook! This is him "helping"

I can't remember if I mentioned but we went in on a share of farm with some of our friends. It is called Community Supported Agriculture or CSA. Basically we have someone else do our gardening and grow us organic fruits and vegetables and we pay them for it. We pick up our "basket" each Thursday and then split it up and then figure out how we are going to cook up our fresh produce! It is an adventure because you are just not sure what you are going to get but it should be fun. This is a photo of Finnean checking out what we got. He took each piece out and Michael told him what it was. He was so excited for each new thing. That is the goal...get him pumped about vegetables and to eat for the season. This same night I made a new dish full of our fresh veggies and I asked Finnean if he liked it. He shook his head yes and said "Mmmmm-humm!" Which made me feel like the best Mommy in the whole world! He liked my new dish!

Grandpa Steve came up to visit and Finnean LOVED showing him all of his toys!

Cool Dude!

Looking so big after playing hard at the Science Center. Finnean and I had a great time exploring.

Maybe it is just this outfit! He looks old!!!

Eating lunch and people watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks like he is walking the runway in the 2nd to the last one! Too cute!! ~Jessica Friend